Creating a Questionnaire Questionnaire Development Questionnaire Development Questionnaires are created in a nine step process….. Each step is important… and cannot be skipped. Questionnaire Development 1. What information is needed? a. Review purpose of study Questionnaire Development 1. What information is needed? a. Review purpose of study b. Create a dummy table. Questionnaire Development 1. What information is needed? 2. How will the questionnaire be used? 3. Content of questions Write down every question you can think of. Create a list. Then….. a. Is this question necessary? b. Will respondents answer this question? c. Can respondents answer this question? Questionnaire Development 1. What information is needed? 2. How will the questionnaire be used? 3. Content of questions Remember: All questions are intrusions on an individual’s time and goodwill! Always respect your respondents…. Questionnaire Development 1. 2. 3. 4. What information is needed? How will the questionnaire be used? Content of questions How will people respond to questions? Questionnaire Development 4. How will people respond to questions? Think of the exams you have taken. Surveys are a type of exam….. What did you like and what did you dislike? Questionnaire Development 4. How will people respond to questions? Think of the exams you have taken. Surveys are a type of exam….. Multiple-choice questions: 2. Which decision rule is a "bottom-up" approach? a) rational appeals b) lexicographic c) conjunctive d) compensatory rules Questionnaire Development 4. How will people respond to questions? Think of the exams you have taken. Surveys are a type of exam….. Opened-ended questions: 2. The ________________ decision rule is a "bottom-up" approach to decision making. Questionnaire Development 4. How will people respond to questions? Think of the exams you have taken. Surveys are a type of exam….. Essay questions: 2. What is the difference between a lexicographic rule and a conjunctive rule in customer decision making? Questionnaire Development 4. How will people respond to questions? Closed-ended questions: (Aided-recall) Respondent selects an answer already given…. Questionnaire Development 4. How will people respond to questions? Closed-ended questions: ADVANATAGES: • High structure • Less field (less variance) • Recall memory Questionnaire Development 4. How will people respond to questions? Closed-ended questions: DISADVANATAGES: • Selection bias (Why would your answers be the best?) • Ballot bias Questionnaire Development 4. How will people respond to questions? Closed-ended questions: DISADVANATAGES: • Selection bias (Why would your answers be the best?) • Ballot bias • Position bias Questionnaire Development 4. How will people respond to questions? Closed-ended questions: Creation: • Mutually exclusive (More than one answer can’t be correct.) 2. Collectively exhaustive (All possible answers must be given… if there is a selection of possible options.) Questionnaire Development 4. How will people respond to questions? Open-ended questions: (Unaided-recall) The respondent has to create the answer. Questionnaire Development 4. How will people respond to questions? Open-ended questions: (Unaided-recall) ADVANATAGES: • Good for insightful data • Good for probes • Create less response bias Questionnaire Development 4. How will people respond to questions? Open-ended questions: (Unaided-recall) DISADVANATAGES: • Verbosity bias • Space/Time bias • Low structure Structure: Study on Personal Space Questionnaire Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What information is needed? How will the questionnaire be used? Content of questions How will people respond to questions? How will each question be worded? a. Can respondents understand the question? Use simple words (at the 5th to 6th grade level) Questionnaire Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What information is needed? How will the questionnaire be used? Content of questions How will people respond to questions? How will each question be worded? a. Can respondents understand the question? Avoid words that are: ambiguous full of jargon Questionnaire Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What information is needed? How will the questionnaire be used? Content of questions How will people respond to questions? How will each question be worded? a. Can respondents understand the question? b. Questions should be: Brief (Brevity) Objective (to the point) Questionnaire Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What information is needed? How will the questionnaire be used? Content of questions How will people respond to questions? How will each question be worded? Where will questions be positioned? Questionnaire Development 6. Where will questions be positioned? a. Format: Introduction Substantive Classification Questionnaire Development 6. Where will questions be positioned? a. Format b. Simplicity and straightforward presentation c. Facilitate analysis and interpretation Questionnaire Development 6. Where will questions be positioned? a. Format b. Simplicity and straightforward presentation c. Facilitate analysis and interpretation d. Avoid sequence bias e. Use easy questions before hard ones Questionnaire Development 6. Where will questions be positioned? a. Format b. Simplicity and straightforward presentation c. Facilitate analysis and interpretation d. Avoid sequence bias e. Use easy questions before hard ones f. Be careful with funnel and branching questions Questionnaire Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What information is needed? How will the questionnaire be used? Content of questions How will people respond to questions? How will each question be worded? Where will questions be positioned? Format of questionnaire Good questionnaires look: a. good b. easy to work with Questionnaire Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What information is needed? How will the questionnaire be used? Content of questions How will people respond to questions? How will each question be worded? Where will questions be positioned? Format of questionnaire Review Questionnaire Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What information is needed? How will the questionnaire be used? Content of questions How will people respond to questions? How will each question be worded? Where will questions be positioned? Format of questionnaire Review Pre-test Always!!!