Web Print

Why PaperCut MF?
Is a simple yet powerful software solution to manage copy, print, scan and fax
usage and access.
Just a few of PaperCut MF’s powerful features are….
Use “Find Me” to retrieve print jobs from any printer on the network, where ever
and whenever.
“Go Green” with in built environmental reporting and print controls.
Over 50 standard reports and activity reports to give real time feedback .
Secure Access and Release when printing documents, print when you want with
optional card swipe.
Ability to silently control printing with Advanced Scripting and Routing.
Web based administration and Web Print for driverless printing from net-books
and other mobile devices.
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PaperCut MF Best Fit?
Any organization wishing to use their building access card to enables “FindMe” and
”Secure Print” release across all MFPs, Printers and Copiers in a cost effective way.
Organisations that have a mixture of Windows and Mac computers and wishes to
have a single unified software solution to track or charge all Print, Copy Fax and
Scan jobs.
Educational institutions wanting to provide a managed quota system for all staff,
where every copy ,print, fax and scan is deducted by page cost and is reported on
by each staff member and department via scheduled emailed reports
Schools wanting to enable printing from student laptops using
their wireless network, without having to install and manage
print drivers on every laptop
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Authentication - MFD
Single integrated solution where copier, scan and fax usage is managed together
with network printing in a single system.
Users simply enter their username and password at the MFP or swipes their Prox
Leverage existing single sign-on by allowing users to log in with the same username
and password used elsewhere on the network.
Integrate with:
Microsoft Active Directory
Apple Open Directory
Novell eDirectory
Other LDAP, NIS or POSIX environments
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Find-Me Printing
PaperCut MF’s “Find Me” provides print release from any enabled MFD, no matter where no
matter what device.
With a wave of a your prox card and “Find Me” you will have the flexibility and the freedom to
retrieve the print jobs you choose to print, from any enabled MFD on the network.
“Find Me” also assists with reducing paper waste as only the documents you choose to print will
be printed.
Release methods include:
* Automatic release on log in (MFP login or Prox)
* Authenticate and release from list
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Secure Print Release
With Secure Access and Secure Release no matter where or when you can conveniently choose
which documents of yours to print .
No more racing around the office to retrieve confidential print jobs, documents will print when
you want safely and securely for you only.
Secure Release will also greatly assists with reducing paper waste as only the documents you
choose to print will be printed.
Release methods include:
* Automatic release on log in (with MFP login or Prox)
* Authenticate and release from list.
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PROX Readers
Toshiba provides an ever expanding list of Prox Cards.
Applications such as:
MFP Domain Authentication
Role Based Access
PaperCut Authentication
Supported Readers:
Multi125 (EM410x, HITAG 1, HITAG 2, HITAG S, EM4150, T5567/Q5)
Inditag (Indala)
MIFARE (MIFARE, Ultralight, MIFARE Mini, MIFARE 1k/4k, MIFARE DESfire)
Legic (Legic Prime, Legic Advant)
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“Go Green”, Enviro Reporting and Controls
PaperCut MF empowers with the ability to control waste, employ green initiatives
and deliver the feedback you and your customers demand.
At a glance you can view your paper usage in terms of CO2 produced and trees
Something worth nothing Toshiba is a founding member and proud supporter of
the Paperless Alliance initiative.
TAP Confidential
Monitoring and Usage Reporting
PaperCut MF offers more than 50 standard reports and real time activity reports.
Identify who, where and how much is printed with just a few mouse clicks.
Reports are exportable to PDF,HTML and Excel and include:
device (printers & copiers)
shared account (client, department, faculty)
date and time / period
environmental impact
To list a few…..
TAP Confidential
Advanced Scripting and Routing
PaperCut MF advanced JAVA Based Scripting and Routing that is used to define and
fine tune printing policies .
Take control of where, how and what gets printed silently, simply choose a “recipe”
script that fits and deploy it is that easy.
Example Scripting Rules Include:
Colour Print Jobs Require User Confirmation
Colour printing is expensive so users should be
Encouraged to print in grayscale whenever they
print in colour.
Print Policy Enforcement
Enforce a company/corporate print policy designed to reduce toner and save paper by
discouraging bad habits. The policy script reminds users to print duplex and not print emails
and web pages in colour.
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Advanced Scripting and Routing
More example Scripting Rules Include:
“Go Green” with environmental warnings
If a user attempts to print a large job, educate them
with the organization's "Go Green" initiative. The
message displayed adapts to the job's duplex setting.
Confirm jobs with a high number of pages
Users printing jobs with many pages are asked via
the client tool whether they meant to print such a
large document, giving them the opportunity to
cancel. This can be useful for users who forget to
enter a page range when printing and instead send
the whole document.
Route the job to the cheapest compatible printer (low-cost routing)
An organization has a fleet of compatible printers, each with different operating costs. This
recipe calculates the cost of the job on the candidate printers and redirects the job to the
cheapest with the user's confirmation.
TAP Confidential
Advanced Scripting and Routing
More example Scripting Rules Include:
Redirect colour jobs to black and white printer
with confirmation
Color printing is expensive so users should be encouraged
to print in grayscale. When a job is color prompt the user
to send the job to a grayscale print queue.
Redirect large jobs with confirmation
A user printing a large job is requested to redirect the job
to a printer dedicated for large batch printing. Users will
be asked to confirm the redirection via the client software.
Redirect large jobs without confirmation
Users printing jobs larger than the defined number of pages have their jobs automatically
redirected to another printer. This can be used to redirect large jobs from slower or high cost
printers to more efficient or faster high volume printers.
TAP Confidential
Advanced Scripting and Routing
More example Scripting Rules Include:
Charge printing during class time to the department
Members of the Students group get free printing to engineering
lab printers during lab time (9:00am to 11:00am weekdays).
Free printing during class time
Members of the Students group get free printing to science lab
printers during lab time (2:00pm to 5:00pm Mondays).
Inform user when printer is in error
If a user sends a print job to a printer that is in error (e.g. offline, paper jam, out of paper)
they will be informed via the client tool and given the opportunity to cancel and print to
another printer.
Discounted printing for large print jobs
Reduce the cost per page when print jobs are larger than 100 pages. Any pages above 100
are charged at a 50% discount.
TAP Confidential
Advanced Scripting and Routing
More example Scripting Rules Include:
Discounted printing for large print jobs
Reduce the cost per page when print jobs are larger than
100 pages. Any pages above 100 are charged at a 50%
Discount printing during off-peak
Encourage users to print during periods of low activity by
offering a discount of 25% during the period before
8:00am & after 6:00pm.
Discount for staff
Staff are charged less for printing than other users. This recipe also demonstrates the use of
debug logging.
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Advanced Scripting and Routing
More example Scripting Rules Include:
Confirm printing emails in colour (from Outlook)
Implement an organization wide policy to discourage
printing of emails in color. Users printing emails in
color will be informed via the client software of the
policy and they will need to confirm their action.
Confirm printing of emails (from Outlook)
Implement an organization wide policy to discourage
printing of emails. Users printing emails will be
informed via the client software of the policy and the
print job's environmental impact. Users will need to
confirm their action.
Hold colour jobs in a release queue
Color printing is expensive so users should be encouraged to print in grayscale. When a job is
color the job is held in a release queue and the user it notified. They must then release the
job from one of the release station interfaces. Grayscale jobs print as normal.
TAP Confidential
Advanced Scripting and Routing
More example Scripting Rules Include:
Hold jobs in a release queue during peak times
During peak hours printers can get very busy. When
many users are printing sometimes people pickup
other peoples print job resulting in frustration and
waste. This recipe enables the hold/release queue
during the peak hours of 9:00am to 6:00pm weekdays.
When printing at off-peak times, users are not
inconvenienced by using a hold/release queue.
Require approval code
Users are required to enter a valid approval code to
print their job. Approval codes are pre-defined and known only by privileged users, e.g.
teachers. Users who do not enter a valid approval code will have their jobs cancelled.
TAP Confidential
Advanced Scripting and Routing
More example Scripting Rules Include:
Bypass hold/release queue for selected user
Selected users print very large batch jobs and it's
frustrating to have to attend the printer twice:
once for release and then again later to collect the
job. Selected users will be given The option to print
direct bypassing the Hold/Release queue.
Prompt for comment
The user is prompted via the a client popup to enter
a comment about their print job. This could be used to
describe what is being printed or provide a justification
for printing.
Copyright and attribute sampling and tracking
Sample of a percentage of all jobs printed between a given period checking copyright and
attribution. Users are prompted via the client software to see whether someone else holds the
copyright to the job they are printing. they are prompted to attribute via title & author.
TAP Confidential
Advanced Scripting and Routing
More example Scripting Rules Include:
Add user name and date watermark on pages
Printed by student (but not staff)
Adds the date, time and name of the user to the
bottom of all pages printed by students. This is
done by checking if the user is a member of the
defined students group. Watermarking is disabled
for staff.
Prompt for security classification
The user is prompted via the a client software popup
for the document's security classification. The classification is then associated with the job as
a comment for reference and reporting.
Send email alert on disallowed printer access
IT Department is protective of their new printer and they are keen to catch any non-IT staff
using it. If anyone outside of IT is found using the printer, the job should be denied and the IT
staff alerted via email of the attempted use.
TAP Confidential
Advanced Scripting and Routing
More example Scripting Rules Include:
Trap and warn users if they print known problem
Some organization's have known problem documents
such as large spread sheets that if accidentally printed
will print thousands of pages. This recipe will check for
a known problem document and alert the user and ask
them to confirm their actions.
Discount printing for selected shared accounts
When printing is charged to a selected shared account (e.g. a school fund-raising group) a
discount is applied to the job cost. This also demonstrates the use of the "post account
selection hook".
Change personal accounts available for printing
When using a printer that belongs to the "Science Faculty", users can only use credit from
their "Science Quotas" or "Cash" accounts. Users cannot use other faculty quotas on these
printers. This scenario is discussed in detail in the manual.
TAP Confidential
Driverless Print - Web Print
Web Print is a simple yet affective feature that allows printing from net-books and
other mobile devices.
Web Print assists with the Mobile Worker that need to print but don’t have a default
printer and those times when documents have to be printed "right now”.
It’s as simple as:
Step 1: Choose a printer from the map
Step 2: Select options to charge / bill
Step 3: Upload the file (PDF, XPF, DOC, XLS, PPT)
Step 4: Retrieve your print job, easy.
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User Web Tools
End-Users have access to web tools that empower staff to track and monitor their
activities in real time.
Web Tools allows your users to assist themselves, users have access to features
such as:
View their account balances
List recent account activity
Web Print
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Centralised Web Administration
PaperCut MF provides administration access from any location on your network via
a standard web browser.
Administrative tasks can be carried out with ease and without moving from your
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Integration is supported with the following
Toshiba models:
e-STUDIO455 series
e-STUDIO855 series
e-STUDIO4520c series
e-STUDIO6530c series
* fitted with GS1020 external interface
TAP Confidential
Suggested Demonstration Items:
– Configure virtual printer, send print job and release with card
Green Reports
– Visit the PaperCut Admin Site, Reports > Environment and show key
reports i.e. most green, most polluting etc.
Reports -
Visit the PaperCut Admin Site, Reports > show key reports i.e. User List.
Secure Access \ Release
– Send print jobs, demonstrate User Name \ Password
and Card Swipe authentication, select print job and release print via EWB.
Advanced Scripting
– Enable print scripting, Printers>Printer List>Printer
Details>Scripting select Enable Print Script. Import to demonstrate i.e. Route to cheapest
compatible printer, Print Policy Enforcement (Example Policy no print colour, print duplex) and
Redirect colour to mono printers etc.
Web Print
- Visit the PaperCut User Site, authenticate as a user. Select Web Print,
choose a printer, choose a print job and upload.
Web Based Admin
- Visit the PaperCut Admin Site, authenticate. Demonstrate ease
of use, easy to navigate tabs also real time feedback in the App.Log.
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