Tessellations: Definition, Examples, and M.C. Escher

What is a Tessellation?
A tessellation is any repeating pattern of interlocking
The word tessellation comes from the Latin Tessella,
which was a small Square stone or tile used in ancient
Roman mosaics. Tiles and Mosaics are common
synonyms for tessellations.
Some shapes, or polygons, will tessellate and others will
not. As for the regular polygons, tessellations can easily
be created using squares, equilateral triangles and
Tessellations can be simple…
Tessellations can also be very
M.C. Escher
Maurits Cornelis (M.C.) Escher (1898-1972) is one of the world's
most famous graphic artists.
During his lifetime, Escher made 448 lithographs, woodcuts and
wood engravings and over 2000 drawings and sketches Apart
from being a graphic artist, Escher illustrated books, designed
tapestries, postage stamps and murals .
Using a mathematical technique called "tessellation," Escher
produced complex patterns based on repeating shapes in the
forms of butterflies and fish, birds, and lizards..
The Assignment…
Use Microsoft Paint to create your
own Tessellation