Holt Elements of Literature Second Course (8th Grade)

Holt Pre-Algebra – Chapter 5 – Plane Geometry
Student Task Card
Reading Objective: S1C4PO1 Determine the intended meaning of an unfamiliar word in context (e.g.,
antonyms, synonyms, definitions, explanations, descriptions, examples, restatement, contrast).
Writing Objective: S3C3PO1 Write a variety of functional texts (e.g., directions, recipes, procedures,
rubrics, labels, posters, graphs/tables).
1. Log in to http://go.hrw.com
2. Where it says, “Enter a keyword” enter the following code: MP4 CNN5
3. Click on MP4 Lift. This will take you to the CNN Student News Story: “Escher’s
4. Open the attached SMART Notebook file, Tessellations - Frayer Model. As you read the
article, use the Frayer Model to make note of essential characteristics of a tessellation. Use
the additional links included on the form to learn more about tessellations and find
examples and non-examples of tessellations (feel free to paste in picture examples as well-be sure to site your source).
5. Once you have filled out all parts of the Frayer Model graphic organizer, go to the second
page of the SMART Notebook file and create a tessellation of your own using the shape
tools in SMART Notebook.
6. When your Tessellations - Frayer Model is complete, save your work to your H: Drive
(Student #) and save it in your schools X: Drive folder/STUDENTS for your teacher.
7. Then complete the math activity at the bottom of the screen. Record your answers on a
piece of paper. Be sure to show your work and explain your thinking in a few clear
8. Turn in your math activity work to your teacher.