5.3 Slope

slope & y-intercept
Edited version of
kballard @ math.weebly.com
• A rate of change is a ratio that compares the
amount of change of a dependent variable to
the independent variable.
• Slope: the steepness of a line described by
rate of change of y and x.
Steepness of Lines
• The slope of a line is a measure of its steepness.
• Use absolute value to compare the steepness of
multiple lines.
What is slope?
What does slope look like?
• There are four types of slope that describe the rate
of change.
• Using this will help you check your work and describe your
linear equation.
Slope Formula
• If you do not have a graph, but want to find
the slope, you can use two points in the slope
1) Substitute in both points
2) Subtract and simplify
Slope-Intercept Form
• The linear equation y = mx + b is written in
slope-intercept form.
• x and y stand for any x and y value.
• m is the slope (rise over run)
• b is the y-intercept (on the y-axis)
y = mx + b
Identify slope and y-intercept
1) y = 4x + 5
y= mx + b
2) y = ½ x – 7
m is always slope
b is always the y-intercept 3) y = x – ¾
4) y = -x + 3
Look at each equation
and determine the slope 5) y = x
value and the yintercept value.
6) y = 4
Identify slope and y-intercept
y = mx + b
If you have the graph,
1) Find the yintercept
2) Count rise over
3) Write the
Write the linear equation.
• Write the equation
in slope-intercept
• y = mx + b
Graphing a line.
• Slope-intercept
form is the easiest
way to graph a line
when you have an
• It is the main way
that lines are
Describing Slope -EX
• Tell whether the slope of each line is positive,
negative, zero, or undefined.
Finding Slope from a Graph-Ex
• To find the slope from a graph,
RISE( y )
RUN( x)
1) Pick any two points on the line.
2) Count RISE over RUN and simplify
• Name the type of slope and find the slope.
Special Cases
• Find the slope of each line.
Slope Formula-EX
Graph Lines #1
• How will we graph
a line when we
have y=mx + b?
Example: y = 2/3x - 4
m= _____ b =
1) Plot the yintercept
2) Use your slope to
Graph Lines #2
• How will we graph
a line when we
have y=mx + b?
Example: y = -3x + 2
m= _____ b =
1) Plot the yintercept
2) Use your slope to
Graph Lines #3
• How will we graph
a line when we
have y=mx + b?
Example: y = 1
m= _____ b =
1) Plot the yintercept
2) Use your slope to
Graph Lines #4
• How will we graph
a line when we
have y=mx + b?
Example: x = -3
m= _____ b =
1) Plot the yintercept
2) Use your slope to
Graph Lines
Identify the slope and y-intercept,
then graph the linear equation.
y = 2x + 3
y = -½x - 1
y = 5/6x + 8
y=x -7
What is rate of change?
What is slope?
What are the four types of slope?
What does “rise” represent?
What does “run” represent?
How do you find slope from a graph?
What is the slope formula?
1) What is slope-intercept form?
2) What do m and b represent?
3) How do you graph a line with slope-intercept
4) What are the two special cases?
• How are linear functions similar to Cupid?
– They have a partner for every number.
• Teacher: Where’s the graph of your function?
– Student: It was intercepted on the way to school.
• Why were the math students getting up and
sprinting around the classroom?
– Their teacher kept saing “rise” and “run”
• Why was the scientist smiling as he worked?
– His graph had a great plot!