2 nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil

Civil-Military and Police Engagement
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
“Coordination needs
and realities between
military and CSOs”
World Vision International © 2009
What do NGOs like World Vision Do
Work closely with local communities
- - Health, Nutrition, Education, Shelter, Child
registration, Watsan, IDP, DRR, relief response etc
Identify long-term, sustainable development
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
What do NGOs like World Vision Do
Equip communities on disaster
preparedness and resilience
Advocate for international (often nonmilitary) solutions
Advocate on humanitarian issues
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
Characteristic Military-NGO collaboration
Complex Humanitarian
complicated, multilayered relationships
mission overlap,
mandate competition
clash of
organisational culture
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
Characteristic Military-NGO collaboration
Natural Disasters
less complicated
less mandate
organisational culture
less problematic
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
NGO demands during emergencies
Security Briefings
- tell us where the bad guys are but don’t ask us
to tell you who we see
“Ambient Security”
- keep us safe while we’re out and about but don’t
come too close and don’t do reconnaissance in
‘our’ area
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
NGO demands during emergencies
Landmine Locations
- give us maps and breech roads when
necessary, but leave humanitarian clearance
to us and the locals
– can you move some stuff for us ….
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
Presumed NGO perceptions of militaries
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
Presumed Military perceptions of NGOs
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
NGO and Military Cultures: Differences
No arms
Carry Arms
Set systems
Flat structure and
delegated authority
/command structure
Highly disciplined
Ethic centred
Task centred
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
Red Cross/NGO Code of Conduct
1) Humanitarian imperative comes first.
2) Impartiality
- Aid is given regardless of the race, creed or nationality
of recipients and without adverse distinction of any kind.
Priorities calculated on basis of need alone.
3) Neutrality:
- Aid will not be used to further a particular political or
religious standpoint.
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
Red Cross/NGO Code of Conduct
4. Independence
- We shall endeavour not to act as instruments of
government foreign policy.
5. Respect
- We shall respect culture and custom.
6) Local
- We shall attempt to build disaster response on local
7) Participation
- Ways shall be found to involve programme
beneficiaries in the management of relief aid.
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
Red Cross/NGO Code of Conduct
8) Mitigation
- Relief aid must strive to reduce future vulnerabilities to
disaster as well as meeting basic needs.
9) Transparency
- We hold ourselves accountable to both those we seek to
assist and those from whom we accept resources.
10) Dignity
- In our information, publicity and advertising activities, we
shall recognise disaster victims as dignified human beings,
not hopeless objects.
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
How Do NGOs Coordinate?
Civil-Military Coordination Section (CMCS)
- avoid because implies inclusion into military operations
- UN Approach (UNOCHA) coordination not
- NGO Approach more flexible and independent
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
CIVMIL Operations Manual
How can/should NGOs engage with military actors?
Management Framework
Liaison Arrangements
Staff Conduct
Joint Training Sessions
Joint Relief Operations
Use of Armed Security
Information Sharing
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
HISS-CAM is a tool to help staff thinking through difficult operational
and policy decisions they may face when interacting with military and
other armed actors.
How can we achieve the necessary balance between principles and
pragmatism in our operations?
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
Principles to Practical action
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
Absolute Principles
Always abide by ICRC and
Sphere Code of Conduct
Always promote respect for
Human Rights and Child Rights
Conventions by military
Never gather intelligence
except for WV purposes
Never permit use of WV
vehicles for transport of armed
insurgents, POWs, or weapons
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
Anything else…
Questions ?
Thank You!
2nd Workshop ASEAN Defence Establishments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)