Squawks in the Night: Nocturnal Animals

Squawks in the night
(Australian Curriculum: Science Year 1)
A slideshow for young learners
Created by Queensland Museum
Strategic Learning February 2012
(Version 1.0)
Links to Australian Curriculum
The following digital resource is intended for use with younger learners to develop their scientific
understanding and investigations of the diversity of living things and how changes in the sky impact on the
behaviour of living things. More specifically, the content is intended to help facilitate the delivery of the
following aspects of the Australian Curriculum: Science – Year 1
Strand: Science Understanding
Sub strand: Earth and Space Sciences
Observable changes occur in the sky and landscape (ACSSU019)
Sub strand: Biological Sciences
Living things have a variety of external features (ACSSU017)
Strand: Science as a Human Endeavour
Sub strand: Nature and development of science
Science involves asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events
Sub strand: Use and Influence of Science
People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for their environment and living
things (ACSHE022)
Strand: Science Inquiry Skills
Sub strand: Questioning and Predicting
Respond to and pose questions and make predictions about familiar objects and events
The text in this slide show is available for reproduction under the Creative Commons Licences BY SA NC
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reproduced in any format without permission. Please contact:
Queensland Museum
PO Box 3300
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Email: qm.images@qm.qld.gov.au
Phone: 07 3842 9241
Images sourced from flickr.com are used under creative commons licences:
– Sketch of child sleeping by lilfly
– Car headlights by ASurroca http://www.flickr.com/photos/asurroca/191118523/
– Doctor and nurse team by Re Surge International
– Construction workers at night by WSDOT (Washington State Department of Transportation
Other images
– Flower with insect – provided by Narinda Sandry with permission for use in this QM resource
Animal calls are © CSIRO with permission to use for QM resources
Teacher Notes
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• Please note that the selection of text and slide background was
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Information regarding this decision can be found in the following
document. Individual students will have unique vision needs.
• http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/univ/disability/practice/pdf/visual.
Squawks in the night!
Nocturnal living things
Sugar Glider QM GC
What happens at night?
Did you know that when
you go to sleep at night,
some living things are
just waking up?
This slideshow is
about living things
that are active at
But how do they find their way in the dark?
Night time animals find their way, find food, make homes
and look out for danger just like day time animals. Except
they must do these things in the dark!
What do you notice about this bird’s eye?
Some night time animals have very large pupils and
special eyes so they can see very well in the dark.
Face a partner and cover your eyes with your hands.
Count to 15 and then quickly look into each others
eyes. What do you notice?
The eye belongs to a Tawny Frogmouth.
Tawny Frogmouths are active at night.
Tawny Frogmouth QM GC
Tawny Frogmouth QM JW
Other animals have different features.
What do you notice about these night time animals?
Eastern Horseshoe bat QM
Bilby QM BC
Greater Glider QM
Some night time animals have large spoon
shaped ears. Why do you think this is?
Often I
can hear
before I
can see it
Brushtail Possum QM GC
What do you notice about the colour of
the fur of these animals?
Planigale QM image JW
Mahogany Glider QM BC
Animals that come out at night often have
darker body coverings than their day time
relatives. Can you think why?
Piedish Beetle QM JW
Harlequin bug QM JW
King Parrot QM JW
Southern Boobook
Living things that are awake at night are
described as nocturnal.
The darkness
gives us some
We can find
the things we
like to eat
more easily!
I choose to
come out at
Brushtail Possum QM GC
Living things which do most of their
activity during the day are called diurnal.
I need the
sunlight to
and plants!
Scientist doing field work QM JW
Rainbow Lorikeet QM JW
Clearwing Swallowtail QM BC
I need
the sun
Eastern Water Dragon QM JW blood!
Many animals choose to move quietly.
Why do you think this is?
This is a good thing to do, especially at
night. Why do you think this is?
Giant Wood Moth QM GC
But some nocturnal animals like to call
loudly to their friends.
Have you heard any of these?
Field Cricket QM JW
Graceful Treefrog QM JW
Many native nocturnal animals are killed
each year. Can you guess what by?
Red Fox QM BC
Feral Cat QM GC
ASurroca Flickr.com
It is often difficult for scientists to
study nocturnal animals. Why do you think
this is?
QM images GC and JW
Plants also behave differently during the
day and at night.
Flowering plants usually open their flowers
during the day to attract insects.
Plants take sunlight
into their leaves to
make food for their
As they do this,
they also make the
oxygen we breathe.
Eucalyptus tree QM JW
Does this happen
at night?
Some humans need to be nocturnal.
ReSurge International Flickr.com
Can you think of others?
WSTOD Flickr.com