Unit 10 week 1

Unit 10 Week 1
Homework for the week
• Monday
• Read and Cornell Notes on p.731-733
• Tuesday
• Finish the questions for Ch. 56 from today’s activity
• Block Day
• Finish thesis statements
• Friday
• Read and Cornell Notes on p.744-745
Agenda, Monday, 4/29
• Celebrating Our Community:
Shoutouts for class members
• Guidelines for how to write a good
• Computer lab time for shoutouts
• HW: Read and Cornell Notes on
Agenda, Tuesday, 4/30
1. HOT ROC – Political Cartoon analysis
2. Vocab – review terms liberal and conservative
3. Background on Reagan
4. Liberal and conservative pov on the Reagan Revolution
HW: Finish class activity and questions for sections 56.3,
• 1. What is happening in the
cartoon? Who are the
people in the boats?
• 2. In what ways are these
people “undocumented”?
• 3. What point is the
cartoonist trying to make
about undocumented
immigrants and U.S.
• 4. What was one of the
solutions to undocumented
immigration that was given
on p.740-741?
Background on Reagan
• Actor, TV host, and governor of
Elected in 1980 with an 8 million vote
Supported the Moral Majority- Strong
Christian political activists who were
concerned about the moral decline in
Supported the New Right- Political
group who pushed for conservative
Known as the “Great Communicator”
Part 1
Political Debate Analysis
• Question:
• Review the terms “Liberal” & “Conservative”
• Activity:
• On the television show Across Fire, guests debate current
political topics.
• The following is a transcript from one episode. During this
episode, liberal guests Laura and Lyle debated the role of
government with conservative guests Carl and Connie.
• Create a T-chart on a piece of paper. Label the left side
Liberal and the right side Conservative. Based on the
transcript, list at least three characteristics of a liberal and
at least three characteristics of a conservative.
• Carl (contemplatively): You know, in general, I believe that our national
government governs best when it governs least. This is especially important in
economic affairs.
Laura (shaking her head): I disagree, Carl! I think the federal government has an
obligation to monitor businesses. It needs to prevent them from polluting the
environment and taking advantage of consumers and workers!
Connie (exasperated): No one is saying that we want businesses to abuse our
citizens, Laura. But when businesses prosper, prosperity will trickle down to all
Lyle (pointing a finger at Connie): But how long will that trickle-down effect take,
Connie? One year? Ten years? I believe that the government has a duty to take
care of all of its citizens now!
Laura (with enthusiasm): Lyle’s right. You know, a lot of people these days talk
about cutting taxes. But we need to be careful. Cutting taxes might lead to cutting
federal programs. I fear the programs that will be cut will be those that help the
most needy!
Carl (pounding fists on desk): Regardless of tax cuts, the national government
shouldn’t be spending our limited resources on programs that give people free
handouts. When a government takes care of people too much, they become
leeches on society.
Connie (nodding): We need to shrink the size of the federal government. The
role of the national government should be to provide for the national defense and
conduct international affairs. Let the state and local governments take care of the
needs of citizens.
Lyle (in a patronizing tone): I wish it were so simple, Connie! But the national
government exists to ensure that ideals like equality and opportunity are attainable
to all Americans . . .
Part 2
• Discuss the debate
• What are the liberal views?
• What are the conservative views?
• Then, on the T-chart give the 2 perspectives on the
following topics:
• 56.3 – Tax cuts, deregulation, deficits
• 56.4 – Gov’t programs, HIV, drug abuse, civil rights and
• Pgs 734- 739
T Chart Analysis – Complete these questions for HW
• Section 56.3 Questions
• 1. Is New Federalism good for America?
• 2. Is supply-side economics good for America?
• 3. Is deregulation good for America?
• 4. Are Reagan’s budget priorities, which have led to high
federal budget deficits and a high national debt, good for
• Section 56.4 Questions
• 1. Are reductions in federal social welfare programs good for
• 2. Is Reagan’s antidrug approach good for America?
• 3. Have the Reagan-era Supreme Court decisions on student
privacy been good for America?
• 4. Are Reagan’s civil rights policies good for America?
Block Day Agenda, 5/1-5/2
1. HOT ROC – Vocab card quiz
2. “Political Civility” and Effective leadership
3. Evaluating Reagan’s domestic policy
Prompt: Evaluate was Reagan an effective leader?
Essential Question: Was Ronald Reagan an effective leader?
Homework: Finish up thesis statements from class
“Political Civility” and Effective Leadership
• Read over the following document “Political Civility” in
pairs and answer the accompanying questions. We will
debrief this as a class after you are done!
Brainstorm: Effective Leadership
• What traits or characteristics do effective leaders have?
Directive word: Evaluate
• Evaluate- For a subject, identify criteria and measure
evidence against the criteria. Decide if the subject meets
the criteria or not.
1. Set criteria
2. Gather Evidence
3. Compare Evidence and Criteria to make your
Evaluate: Ronald Reagan
• Was Ronald Reagan an effective leader?
• Use the criteria we came up with as a class, as well as the
following criteria: Did he identify REAL problems and come up with
REAL solutions?
Optional Writing Prompt
• Do you think Ronald Reagan was an effective leader?
Why or why not (or you can decide he’s a little of both)?
Use two quotations from the documents to support your
argument. 1 page expectation.
Agenda, Friday, 5/3
2. Project Overview and rubric
HW: Read and Cornell Notes on p.744-745
• What are three controversial topics
that you are interest in that relate to
US history?
US History Final Project Spring 2013 – Due May 22nd
Opposing Viewpoints
Assignment: Choose a controversial topic from the list
below, or develop one on your own, and complete the
following activity:
1. Carbon Credits
2. Development of fracking
(natural gas)
3. Immigration Policy
4. Obamacare
5. Government budget (deficit
spending vs. cuts to
6. Processing terrorists
(military or federal courts)
7. Same-sex Marriage
8. Tax Reform (1% or Job
9. Gun control
10. Prison reform – 3 strikes or
fewer arrests
11. Status of women
12. Cyberbullying vs. Free
13. Censorship
14. Role of religion in school
15. Teacher Approved…
Final Project – Poster layout
“PRO” Strict Environmental Laws
Thesis Statement and summarization
paragraph defending thesis: (Ideal)
“CON” Strict Environmental Laws
Thesis Statement and summarization
paragraph defending thesis: (Ideal)
1. Historical Connection:
2. Current Research:
1. Historical Connection:
2. Current Research:
Citations (on the back)
Citations (on the back)
Scoring Guide
__Includes all aspects of a proficient project
__shows quality craftsmanship, attention to detail, time and effort
__2 historical connections are made
__presentation shows excellent understanding of the topic
__Thesis or other writing connects the topic to larger trends studied in the year (such as
fostering or challenging the ideals, big gov’t vs. big business, rights of minorities)
__Thesis statements clearly supports opinion with 2-3 reasons why.
__1 historical connection is made
__Research is detailed and explained clearly in your own words.
__Citations are complete and follow MLA format.
__Summarization clearly explains the pros and cons of the issue.
__Prepared on the due date to present material
__Writing is clear and grammatically correct.
__Completes all parts of the assignment
Completes 6-7 of the proficiency criteria
Below Basic
Completes 5 of the proficiency criteria
Far Below Basic – 4 or fewer of the proficiency criteria