LIBERAL AND ILLIBERAL DEMOCRACY READINGS Smith, Democracy, chs. 9-11 Modern Latin America, ch. 4 (Central America) NB: Optional paper due May 28 ANALYTICAL PAPER 8-10 pages (double-spaced) Prior approval of topic by TA Define a question or “puzzle” Explain choice of country (or site) Describe sources Present evidence Conclude with (tentative) answer to question DETECTING ILLIBERAL DEMOCRACY The Rise of Electoral Democracy, 1972-2004 20 18 16 12 Autocracy 10 Semidemocracy Democracy 8 6 4 2 0 19 72 19 74 19 76 19 78 19 80 19 82 19 84 19 86 19 88 19 90 19 92 19 94 19 96 19 98 20 00 20 02 20 04 N Countries 14 Year THE CONCEPT OF ILLIBERAL DEMOCRACY • Distinct Dimensions of Democracy: Free and Fair Elections Citizen Rights • Systematic Curtailment of Citizen Rights Democracy, Elections, and Citizen Rights: A Typology Citizen Rights Character of Elections Free and Fair Free not Fair None Expansive Liberal Democracy Liberal/Permissive Semidemocracy (Null) Limited Illiberal Democracy Illiberal/Restrictive Semidemocracy Moderate Dictablanda Minimal (Null) Repressive Semidemocracy Hard-Line Dictadura Journalists Killed in Latin America, 1990-1999 Country___ Colombia Peru Mexico Brazil Haiti Argentina Guatemala Venezuela Chile Dominican Republic Honduras Paraguay Total __ N Killings__ 36 12 10 8 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 82 Source: Committee to Protect Journalists, Attacks on the Press in 1999 (New York: CPJ, 2000), 23. Electoral Regimes and Freedom of the Press, 1990s Press____ Not Free Partly Free Free Totals _________________Regime____________________ Autocracy Semi-Democracy Democracy 1 5 2 1 26 51 0 0 47 2 31 100 CLASSIFYING CITIZEN RIGHTS (Freedom House scales for “Civil Liberties”) • FH scores of 1-2 = Extensive • FH scores of 3-4 = Partial • FH scores of 5-7 = Minimal T a b le 1 -2. E lectora l R eg im es a nd C iv il L ib erties, 1 9 7 0 s -2 0 0 0 1 9 7 2 -7 9 E lectoral T ype Status of C ivil Liberties* D ictatorship Sem i -D em ocracy D em ocracy M inim al 22 0 0 Partial 88 3 10 0 1 28 110 4 38 E xpansive T otals gam m a = +.994 *C ategorized as follow s: E xpansive=Freed om H ou se scores of 1 or 2; Partial – Freedom H ouse score s of 3 -5; M inim al=Freedom H ouse scores of 6 -7. 1980-1989 Civil Liberties___ Minimal Partial Extensive Totals ________________Regime___________________ Autocracy Semi-Democracy Democracy 15 59 1 1 30 4 0 41 39 75 35 80 1990-2000 Civil Liberties___ Minimal Partial Extensive Totals _________________Regime_________________ Autocracy Semi-Democracy Democracy 3 4 0 0 53 2 0 109 38 7 55 147 Figure 10-1. The Progression of Illiberal Democracy, 1970s-2000 100 90 80 70 Percent 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1972-79 1980-89 1990-2000 Period Partial Civil Liberties Expansive Civil Liberties Political Regimes in 1999: Countries and Population Regime Type___ N __Countries__ % __Population__ Liberal Democracy 3 <5 Illiberal Democracy 11 60 Illiberal Semi-Democracy 5 33 Autocracy 1 2 Liberal and Illiberal Democracy, 1978-2004 18 16 N Democracies 14 12 10 Illiberal 8 Liberal 6 4 2 0 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Year AND NOW…? Liberal Democracy (n=7) Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Panama, Uruguay Illiberal Democracy (n=7) Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru Illiberal Semidemocracy (n=5) Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Venezuela Authoritarian (1) Cuba Why Illiberal Democracy? In case of center and center-right democracies, the illiberal regimes: Protect elite interests Control the popular masses Under the rubric of free and fair elections Thus gaining international approval. In case of progressive “new left” regimes, the opposition: Has the money Has control of the press Does not play by democratic rules SO WHAT? CYCLES OF MASS POLITICS Unfettered and “dangerous” democracy (e.g., reformists + Allende) [1950s-] Military coups and authoritarian regimes [1960s-] Democracy contained [1980s-]: Neoliberal economics, Washington consensus Institutional constraints (e.g. MRO) Illiberal democracy Rise of the “new Left” [1990s-] The End