ASARECA KNOWLEDGE HUB (KI-HUB) Concept Developed By: Lydia Kimenye Kenneth Masuki Enock Warinda Jacky Nyagahima Tom Muga ASARECA KNOWLEDGE HUB What is it? A focal point for: • generation and exchange of knowledge • development of new ideas and networking • data and information generated by ASARECA and other AR4D organizations in ECA The Challenge The Challenge • People and organizations are not sharing information, and knowledge; result duplication of efforts • Stakeholders need to access information about new TIMPS before they can consider adopting them • Knowledge is available but not easily accessible to all people who need it • This knowledge is scattered all over the ECA sub-region in different locations Outputs of the KI-Hub Platforms for Info Exchange Technology & Information Clearing House KEY OUTCOME Equitable access & utilization of agricultural knowledge & information within and beyond ECA sub-region AR4D Think Tank Learning and Innovation for AR4D Output 1: Learning and Innovation for AR4D • Mechanisms that support learning from action research will be enforced • K&I - will come from ASARECAs own past and ongoing initiatives in research, generation and scaling up of TIMPs • Draw from other work conducted by other organizations such as RECs, CGIAR, NARs, International DPs, the private sector and NGOs Output 1: Illustrative Activities Farmer field Schools IPTAs Business incubation centers Field visits & study tours Training workshops Learning and Innovation for AR4D Targeted Communications Demonstration sites Networks Communi ties of practice Output 2: AR4D Think Tank • Will aim at advising and, or, influencing agricultural related decisions, strategies and policies at national, regional and global levels • will be constituted by ASARECA around issues arising from ASARECA’s research eg MLND • Recommendations from the AR4D Think Tank will be documented, published, and brought to the attention of persons (individuals, organizations, governments) that need to take action. Output 2: Illustrative Activities Research Policy Analysis Scenario Building Trends Analysis Advocacy AR4D Think Tank Dialogue PPPs Output 3: Platforms for information exchange Key elements of the platforms will be: 1. targeted communication products 2. a one-stop web-based portal 3. an information resource center 4. gender responsive feedback and demand articulation mechanisms 5. capacity development Output 1: Illustrative Activities Capacity Building Webbased Portal ERepositor ies Communicaton products Linking to other platforms Platforms for Information Exchange Mobile Platforms Collabo ration tools Data bases Output 4:Technology and Information Clearing House • Central place for coordination, collection, maintenance and access to AR4D data and information • Formal agreements with the AR4D organizations for coordination of the sub-regional information resources • Collect, collate and avail relevant data and information for AR4D in the ECA • Link with existing online knowledge bases (NARS, CGIARS, SROs, and Development Partners) Output 4: Illustrative Activities QA Systems Formal Agreeme nts IPR Policy Technology and Information Clearing House ECA TIMPs Linkages with other Hubs GIS Maps Inventory of AR4D Info. What have we achieved to date? 1. ASARECA KI-Hub Team Formed 3. Draft Concept 2. Several Note by the brainstorming KI-Hub and think-tank Team meetings 4. Concept Note presented to the DPs 6/13; and ASRECA Stakeholders 8/13 Illustrative Relationships with existing K-Hubs KAINET FARA Africa Hub? ERAILS Rice Hub ASARECA KI-HUB CRP Hub KAINET eMIMI NARO Hub SARI NET? Where do we go from here? 1. Develop implementation plan • Critical for moving forward • Low hanging fruits e.g. web-portal • Phased-in approach: flexibility and scalability 2. Operationalize the KI-Hub Webale nyo! Asante Sana!