Nazi Policies towards…
Revision Powerpoint by Anna Serrichio
Hitler thought that men were superior to
women and didn’t believe that women should
work. He thought that their main role was to
stay at home and have children.
Hitler wanted women to have children to
create the Aryan race in Germany.
In 1929 the depression hit Germany hard and
there was mass unemployment. The Nazis
promised to reduce unemployment, and one
of their tactics was to remove women from
their jobs.
Hitler also wanted a reason to justify
Lebensraum (living space). If there were more
people then he could use it as an excuse to
invade other countries and make Germany
In 1933 Hitler passed the law for
“Encouragement of marriage” which allowed
newly married couples to receive a loan of
1000 marks. If a couple had one child, they
only had to pay back 75% of the loan, if they
had 2, then 50%. If they had 4 children the
loan would be cleared. To pay for these loans
Hitler heavily taxed people with no children.
Unmarried women were encouraged to have
children by Lebensorn Clinics, where an
unmarried Aryan women would be fertilised
by a “racially pure” SS man.
The Motherhood Cross was a medal that was
awarded to women for having the most
children. It was awarded on the day of Hitler’s
mother’s birthday.
4 children – bronze medal
6 children – silver medal
8 children – gold medal
Gertrude Sholtz-Klink was the ideal woman
for the Nazis.
In 1933 she was Reich woman’s leader and
head of the Reich Women’s League. She
spread ideas of male superiority and the
importance of having children.
In 1934 she was head of the Women’s
Bureau. She was also the leader of the Young
Maidens Organization.
The Nazis also wanted women to have basic
customs. They had to be Aryan, they were not
allowed to wear make-up or trousers, or
perm/dye their hair.
Dieting was looked down upon because it was
believed that it made them less fertile.
They had to raise their children to be loyal to
Hitler and encourage them to join the Hitler
However in 1937 the role of women changed
because Germany was re-arming, and women
workers were needed. They were encouraged
to join at factories and fields.
They abolished marriage loans, and
introduced “Duty Year” which was a law that
said that women could work.
The new school systems were designed so
that the future German people were very loyal
to the Nazis and Hitler himself. They also
indoctrinated children to hate Jews.
New types of schools were created. Napolas
(National Political Institutes of Education)
were leadership schools controlled by the SS
that prepared people for the position of
future chiefs of government for the Army.
Adolf Hitler Schools provided military-style
education for future political leaders.
PE became much more important in school
Biology taught that the Aryan race was
superior to all other races and that Jews were
bad. For example, “The Poisonous Mushroom”
was a children’s book that taught children to
hate Jews
History focused on the rise of the Nazi Party
and how unfair the Treaty of Versailles was.
Geography taught how Germany had been
invaded by other countries and the need for
Youth Organisations were established so that
German boys could become strong and fit to
prepare them for being soldiers in the army.
Hitler Youth was for boys 14 -18. It was seen
to be as important as school. It focused on
military and physical training.
German Young Folk was for boys 10 -14
The League of German Maidens was a youth
organisation for girls. It taught girls how to
be good mothers. Girls also did physical
exercises such as aerobics.
Edelweiss Pirates was a different group that
did similar activities to the Hitler Youth, but
mocked the Nazis.
Hitler wanted to create the master Aryan race,
so he selected undesirables such as Jews,
Homosexuals, Gypsies, and the Disabled and
took away all of their wealth and eventually
killed them.
In the 1920s the number of Homosexuals had
risen. Hitler wanted to get rid of them, so:
 Gay organizations were banned
 Books on homosexuality were burned
 Gestapo made lists of people who were
They were treated like Jews and were among
the victims of the Holocaust.
Hitler wanted to wipe out disability by killing
all the disabled.
Babies born with defects or the slightest
disability were killed. Abortions became very
Gypsies, of the “Roma” as they were referred
to, were an ethnic group that originated in
A law was passed, “law against dangerous
habitual criminals”. Under this law, the police
started arresting gypsies and any other
Many gypsies were sent to concentration
camps, and were also victims of the