Unit 23 P1,P2,M1,D1,D2

Describe the potential prompts that initiate the
installation of new or upgraded software
•Problems with the existing system.
•Unstable software that leads to system crash
•Software no longer supported by manufacturer – so no user support & updates
for it.
•Security issues with the current software – leading to malicious attacks.
•Current software incompatible with the new operating system.
Additional functionality required: such as strong parental control that was lacking in
Windows XP and that is now available in Windows Vista or 7.
Another example upgrading your antivirus program to a full internet security suite that
will include firewall and anti spyware.
• New hardware requiring new or upgraded software. What is the software
called to install when you attach a new hardware.
• To fix bugs- that will reduce the system to crash or hang.
• Company Policy: a company may have a policy that only certain software
can only be installed. When new installations and upgrades will be carried
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of installing and
upgrading software
• Lets brainstorm and check the internet for
some answers:
• Look at the prompts to get further ideas:
• Think about cost, any restrictions, security,
stability, training, usability, performance
D1 – Justify to the managers why installing their
anti virus software would be advisable
• Just because there is a prompt for change, it doesn’t mean that an
organisation will agree to the change going ahead.
• Installing & upgrading software is often expensive
• cost of the software
• Additional cost such as training, ‘down-time’ needed to install the
• Therefore it is important to have a good business case showing that
the benefits outweighs the costs of the new software or upgrade.
• Benefits such as – greater efficiency, improved systems security.
• Use the factors you have learnt from other units on how viruses and
worms can affect the operations of a business to support your
P2 – Describe the potential risks of
installing or upgrading software
• Risks:
– ‘Down-time’ – when the current system will be
inactive while installing
– Incompatibility issues : imagine what would
happen to your existing files when you switch
from Windows to Linux
D2 – Evaluate the potential risks of installing and
upgrading software and explain how the risks could be
• Down-time – careful planning would be required.
Think about the best time to install. What kind of
resources would be stopped when you install a
system on a server for example?
• Incompatibility issues: switching OS, upgrading
Ms word 2003 – 2007 files could not be opened.
• How would the above factors affect the business
D2 – How risks can be minimised?
• Backups
• Installing at low risk times
• Incremental installation: you can install on a
few Pc’s, evaluate and test for any problems,
then gradually installing the rest – benefits,
the business can still run their operations.