Mulan Thesis and Example

Mulan Writing prompt from
Page 41
Writing Prompt:
Write a thesis statement
explaining whether Mulan’s faults
help her to become a hero or
hinder (keep her from) from
becoming a hero. Then write a
paragraph that supports your
thesis statement that includes
evidence from the film.
Thesis Example
 Mulan’s faults hinder her from becoming a
hero because her stubborness endangers
her family and the army.
 Write your own thesis.
 *** Now add examples from the film that
support the above thesis.
 Mulan’s faults hinder her from becoming a
hero because her stubborness digraces
her family and the army. For example,
Mulan is quite stubborn about going to
war in her fathers place. When Mulan
decides to disguise herself as a man, this
act alone is treasonous. When her gender
is found out her family is disgraced,
dishonored and she faces death. Her
fellow soldiers are also disgraced and feel
betrayed by her disguising herself as man.
Their military valor is also called into
question because they fought along side a