Portal at PPMSB

Muhammad Izzat bin Mhd Khazar
Information Technology Management
( MIS 750)
31 March 2013
• There are different types of web portals, but they
each do the same thing: Expose new sites to
users based on what the user wants.
• Portals:▫
Search Engines
Hub Sites
Web Directories
Webrings and Blog Networks
Social Networks
Search Engines
• Search engines act as one of the most popular
types of web portals.
• An Internet user has to search for a certain topic,
issue or problem, and potentially millions of
pages show up as a result of the search query.
• The user then clicks on the link found, and a new
site is discovered.
• New sites can show up every day.
Hub Sites
• Several websites on the Internet act as hubs
• Sites such as Live, Yahoo and Google offer
everything from search engines to email
accounts to news information.
• Because these hub sites regulate so much
information, users can then find a new website,
visit the site and determine if the website is good
match for their needs.
Web Directories
• Unlike search engines and hub sites, a web
directory is a database of sites that pertain to a
certain topic, such as types of products, a theory
or a subject in school.
• Methods on how a website can get into the
directory vary from directory to directory, but
typically, either a user recommends a particular
site for the directory, or the website itself applies
to the directory and awaits approval or rejection.
Webrings and Blog Networks
• In the earlier days of networks, websites would link
together and form webrings or a group of sites that
banded together.
• This is similar to the way a directory works, but a
webring is more decentralized and power lies in the
group of sites, rather then an overseer of the
• Webrings usually have a moderator who decides
which pages to include in the web ring. After
approval, webmasters add their pages to the ring by
'linking in' to the ring.
Social Networks
• Example such as Myspace and Facebook.
• Both websites allow users to share certain
articles, websites videos and photos with their
• They have made these and other social networks
into web portals of their own, providing access
to websites that other friends approve of or are
interested in.
Let see on portals
used by
From internet, access to Petronas
intranet through this portal…..
PP(M)SB Intranet…Front Page
Link to PETRONAS website
Link to HSE Training Calendar
Linked to Portal for Database contains
Documents and Procedures
Link to e-PECAS website
Video picks
• Attractive with updates on events with pictures
and figures.
• Colourfull
• Highlights on important events
• Easy to reach to other websites with links
• Leadership and self improvement articles
• Video picks
• Every department could contribute to the
Monthly Plant performance ( except financial )
Latest news on company programs or activities
Online forms and link to non-integrated IS.
Links for to other websites for work purpose,
union, community of practices.
• Telephone directory and search ability
• Staff movement from HRM
• Self improvement and leadership articles,
including video picks.
• Video and audio files uploaded for view
• Still photos uploaded in news
• http://techtips.salon.com/type-portals-12681.html, 2013. “Types of
web portals”, 25 March 2013