Sentence Structure

Sentence Structure
Vocabulary Scavenger Hunt
 Using the green Elements of Language textbook, find
the following terms. Write the definition in your
own words and create an example:
 Phrase
 Independent clause
 Dependent (subordinate) clause
 Simple sentence
 Compound sentence
 Complex sentence
Phrases and Clauses - Definitions
 Phrase: has meaning, but no subject or verb
 Independent Clause: has a complete thought, a subject, and a
 Dependent Clause: no complete thought, but does have a subject
and verb
 Independent clauses (or sentences) are what allow us to express
complete thoughts. Phrases and dependent clauses help to add
detail to these thoughts.
 The humans were about to be attacked by an enemy army when an
advisor from another planet appeared with a plan.
Phrases and Clauses Practice
 with the gray stripes
 Phrase
 at the space station
 Phrase
 to visit us soon
 Phrase
 if the helmet is too big
 Dependent clause
 that NASA recommended
 Dependent clause
 The alien crashed the spaceship.  Independent clause
 before the end
 Phrase
 He was able to spot intruders.
 Independent clause
 which was the species found
 Dependent clause
Kinds of Sentence Structures
 Simple sentence: A simple sentence is an independent clause.
 Complex sentence: A complex sentence has an independent
clause and at least one dependent clause.
 Compound sentence: Two or more independent clauses
joined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or a
 The different types of sentences help us to express ideas in a
variety of ways and for a variety of reasons.
Kinds of Sentence Structures - Practice
 The planet Earth, which is in the Milky Way Galaxy, is the home
of the human species.
The Martians felt anxious, but they still completed their mission.
Luke saw the stars.
If you had a choice, would you rather visit Saturn or Jupiter?
The guide led us through the astronomy museum; she explained
the difference between comets and asteroids.
Stephen Hawking became famous after he wrote a paper about
black holes.
Jules Verne is the author of the book 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Sentence Discussion
 Function of the phrases and clauses:
Details, descriptions
 Function of the different types of sentences:
 Simple:
 Be very clear
 Make a point with impact
 Complex/Compound
 More description
 Emphasize point with details
Sentence Discussion
When they boarded the Nexus 2053, they chose not
to sit together. The girl stared blankly out the
window at the crumbling planet; the boy stared
blankly down the row at other passengers. They
were quiet.
Discuss what kind of sentence structure is shown in
each of the above sentences. Determine the
function of each phrase and clause.
 In the green Elements of Language textbook,
complete the following exercises. Be sure to
follow ALL the directions.
 Phrases:
 p. 402, Exercise 1(#1-10)
 Clauses:
 p. 425, Exercise 1 (#1-10)
 Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences
 P. 446, Review A (#1-10)
Choose one of the following activities:
 Science Fiction Story:
 Write a short science fiction story using two of each type of
sentence structure. (at least six sentences)
 Label the sentence types, underline the independent clauses, double
underline the dependent clauses, and circle phrases.
 Number each sentence. For each sentence, explain your purpose for
each sentence choice.
 Model Text
 Using your science fiction AR novel, find two examples of each type
of sentence structure. (at least six sentences)
 Label the sentence types, underline the independent clauses, double
underline the dependent clauses, and circle phrases.
 Number each sentence. For each sentence, explain your purpose for
each sentence choice.
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