Turkey Alias Project PP

Turkey Alias Project
Start Monday, November, 14, 2011
Due Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
CW: Turkey Alias Project
HW: Turkey Alias Project –
decorate turkey. Due
Turkey Alias Project
You are a turkey trying to stay off the
Thanksgiving Dinner Table. Explain
how you are going to disguise yourself
and hide. Give details about your
look and what you do to keep from
being identified as a turkey.
What You Will Do
1. Write a paragraph (100 points)
2. Decorate a turkey picture (100 points)
“In order to escape my fate as a Thanksgiving turkey, I
have disguised myself as Cinderella. Every day I scrub the
house until it shines, then I cook for my two wicked stepsisters and my wicked step-mother. I sleep next to the
hearth and my face and hair get covered with ashes and
soot. My hair is singed by the heat of the fire. I get
covered in the cinders of the crackling logs, hence my name
Cinderella. My step-mother and my step-sisters and I live
in my late father’s cabin. I eat bread and butter and drink
fresh water from the well. I don’t go anywhere except to
the market once a week, and when I do get out of the
house, I must walk. A ball is to be held tonight for the
prince and as usual I am forbidden to attend. However, I
know that someday my prince will come.”
Rubric for Paragraph
Part 1—Each category is worth a maximum of ten points for the paragraph grade to
equal the 100 point narrative test grade.
Paragraph starts with appropriate sentence starter
Clearly states the role or job the turkey has taken
Explains in detail where the turkey lives
Explains who lives with the turkey
Tells the reader what the turkey ate while in disguise
Details given about what the turkey did all day and/or night
Explains what transportation the turkey used
All steps of the writing process have been included (prewriting,
drafting, revising, editing, publishing)
Every sentence in your paragraph starts with a different word
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are all correct
Turkey Design
(decorate the head, paste paper or cloth
for clothes, color the body…anything to disguise the turkey.)
Rubric for Turkey Design
Part Two—Each category is worth a maximum of 20 points for
a total of 100%.
Final paper is neatly written in blue or black ink (or typed)
Alias Turkey Project was turned in on time. (2 points off for
each day your project is late.)
Turkey picture is colored appropriately
Turkey picture is decorated in a costume
Turkey picture matches the description given in the paragraph
Paragraph starter
In order to escape my fate as a
Thanksgiving turkey, I have disguised myself as
 Make sure you follow the rubric (see slide 6) for the
paragraph to include all that is required. For example,
where the turkey lives, what he eats, etc.
 Make sure you decorate the turkey to match your alias.
So, if your alias is Sponge Bob, you picture should be
decorated to look like Sponge Bob.
 You will submit: 1. Paragraph 2. Decorated Turkey