Writing for Free Response Questions

Writing for Free
Response Questions
What do they want from me!?!
How much do I need to write
to get a good score?
• Wrong question! Don’t ask that question anymore!
• You will write as much as you need to write to defend your
• provide evidence and support.
Getting Started
– even though we are preparing for the National Exam
standards…good writing is good writing. Learning good essay
skills will benefit you in every essay assignment 
• You will have 6 questions grouped in two sections from those
questions you must select 2 to answer (one from each group)
• Start with a defendable thesis
• Discuss a much relevant info as you can remember.
• Chose the questions you know the most about, NOT the ones
that look easiest.
Approaching the questions
Take the time to read the question and analyze it
Do a pre-write
Assess your information and devise a thesis
Write a quick outline
Write the essay
• Follow your outline
• Stick to one important idea per paragraph
• Provide concrete examples to support the thesis
• Recommended – two examples per issue
• Stay focused on question – avoid tangents
• Timed essays – spend time wisely, don’t waste time on info that isn’t
directly relevant.
The structure of the essay
• Your introductory paragraph is more than just your thesis.
• It should set the historical scene
• Time
• Place
• Historical situation
• Thesis – do NOT simply restate the question; you must also
answer the question.
• The thesis tells the reader what the main points of the essay are.
• Organization
Easy to understand
Always focus on the thesis
Each paragraph should have a topic sentence
Close with a concluding paragraph
What is the Rubric?
Free-response essays are scored “holistically,”
Stronger Essays (9 – 8 – 7 – 6)
Offers a clear, well developed thesis in response to all parts of the question
Thesis is supported with relevant and substantial evidence
Essay is well-balanced in its treatment of the required tasks
May contain MINOR errors of fact or interpretation
Mixed Essays (5 – 4)
• Thesis attempted but may be incomplete, unfocused or vague
• At least some specific evidence provided in support of the thesis
• Essay may be unbalanced or partially off-base in its treatment of required
• May contain some major & minor errors of fact or interpretation
Weaker essays (3 - 2 - 1 - 0)
• Thesis is confused, misconstrues the question, or is absent
• Little if any specific factual support, or if support is given, it is not
• Essay may ignore one of more parts of the prompt or is primarily off task
• Contains major and minor errors of fact and interpretation
Let’s practice!
Analyze the ways in which European monarchs used
both the arts and the sciences to enhance state power in
the period circa 1500-1800.
• Take the time to read the question and analyze it
• Do a pre-write
Read the sample 2E and evaluate the essay using the criteria the
used by the national exam evaluators.
Score Sample 2E received…
Rationale for score
• Although the essay is organized (distinct paragraphs on the
arts and the sciences), the analysis is generic and repetitive.
• Relevant supporting evidence is absent. It contains a viable
thesis but the thesis is not adequately defended
• The essay fails to provide either substantive analysis of the
uses of the arts and the sciences by European monarchs to
enhance their powers or any relevant supporting evidence/
Sample 2C
Score sample 2C received
Rationale for score
• The thesis addressed only part of the question effectively (art
served to “glorify monarchs”).
• The essay occasionally fails to establish effective linkage
between information provided and the prompts of the
question (the church’s sponsorship of paintings as an
enhancement of state power)
• Primarily descriptive with limited analysis
• The essay offers evidence (patronage of paintings,
development of Versailles, benefits of exploration) of the ways
in which state power was enhanced but it provides minimal
analysis and linkage between the use of the arts and sciences
and the enhancement of state power
• The supporting evidence is not always well established.
Sample 2A
Score for Sample 2A
Rationale for score
• The thesis explicitly defines the use of the arts and the
sciences by European monarchs to enhance state power
(glorification of themselves and the nation, utilization of new
technologies to advance the nation)
• Links the use of the arts and the sciences to the enhancement
of royal power throughout the essay and provides
considerable supporting evidence.
• Some of the analysis lacks sophistication
• Reference to Louis Pasteur is inappropriate for the time period
• Predominantly analytical and provides effective support for its