Semester Final Review - SIFT, CURES, and DO/DUE

Quick Write
 What is one thing you are looking forward to in the
second semester of this year?
 What is one thing you are dreading in the second
semester of this year?
 What is one goal you have for yourself during the second
semester of this year?
 Spend 5 minutes of solid silent writing responding to
these questions.
Reviewing Semester 1
Common Mistakes from the Final
Take Notes and Write All This Down
3 Biggest Issues on Final
 Vocabulary – Context Clues
 Using what you know and clues in the text to figure out the
meaning of words
 Reading and Analyzing Cold Passages
 Identifying topic, summarizing, analyzing
 Responses to Writing Prompts
 Breaking Down Question
 Responding Correctly
 Forming appropriate sentences and paragraphs
The SIFT Method
For Breaking Down Reading Passages
 What does sifting do?
 If we are sifting while we’re reading,
what do you think we’re doing?
 The Acronym:
 Define
 Give me some examples
 Examples from Things Fall Apart?
 Define
 Give me some examples
 Examples from Things Fall Apart?
Figurative Language
 Define
 Give me some examples
 Examples from Things Fall Apart?
 Define
 Give me some examples
 Examples from Things Fall Apart?
Reading a Writing Prompt
 Use the CURES method to make sure you are reading
and responding to a writing prompt correctly:
C – Circle the Performance Verbs
U – Underline the Question Requirements
R – Restate the Question in Your Response
E – Give Examples to Support Your Argument
S – Write in Complete Sentences
Writing Prompt Practice
Relations between men and women in Things Fall Apart
are quite different than the average American reader is
accustomed to. In a well-developed response, analyze the
relationship between men and women in the African
culture as Achebe presents it. Explain how this
relationship is similar or dissimilar to the Western view of
the relationships between men and women. Focus on both
the positive and negative aspects of the relationship.
What comment is Achebe trying to make about the
dynamics of the relationship in his culture?
What’s the Difference?
 Africa vs. the West
 Then and Now
 Too many people wanted to talk about the difference
between the 1880s and today when the question was
about Achebe’s African culture and Western culture.
 There are still countries where men have multiple wives
and are allowed (or encouraged) to beat them.
Choosing & Responding to the Prompt
 Make sure you understand the question.
 Make sure you understand the requirements.
 Make sure you have sufficient evidence to answer the
question completely.
 Make sure you answer ALL PARTS of the question.
 Re-read your response and compare it to the question
to make sure your answer is correct and complete.
 Don’t make up evidence.
Writing Sentences & Paragraphs
 These things we will work on in the next two weeks
(Slowly and Deliberately) as we revise Frederick
Douglass Papers.
The Do/Due System
 Time Management Tool
 Using Calendar or Agenda, writing what to “DO” and
when it is “DUE”
 Weekly Checks of Agendas
 Explore iCal app on Macbook – this might be a more
workable option for you, but for now, let’s use the paper
agendas given out.
 I would like EVERYONE to have a binder, composition
book, or single-subject spiral notebook by Monday.
Please see me if you won’t be able to get one.
 Consider your pre-write (What is one thing you are
looking forward to in the second semester of this year?
What is one thing you are dreading in the second
semester of this year? What is one goal you have for
yourself during the second semester of this year?) AND
the 3 Strategies I’ve reviewed yesterday and today
(SIFT, CURES, Do/Due).
 Write one paragraph (3-5 sentences) stating which one
of the three strategies you think will be most helpful to
you and why, AND how you will apply them this
semester to accomplish your goals.