
The Syllabus says: Tsunamis are a
specific secondary effect and can
have devastating effects in coastal
This will be studied through a
“case study of a tsunami – its
cause, effects and responses.”
Mr Anderson says: Tsunamis
are caused by earthquakes
under the sea. Therefore they
are NOT tidal waves. Tsunami
is a Japanese word meaning
“harbour wave”
STARTER, watch this trailer: (see notes) on your
1) What do you think happened in the 30
minutes before the clip
2) what happened in the 24 hours after?
Challenge: What happened in the next
The Asian Tsunami of 2004 is also called the Boxing Day Tsunami. It killed over 230,000
people (over 5 times the whole population of Salisbury) It was caused by a 9.1
Earthquake at the boundary of the Indian and Eurasian plates)
30 minutes before
24 hours after
Over the next 6
The exam board says you need to know
A case study of a tsunami – its causes, effects and
responses to it.
Now categorise the 20 statements in
the envelope into either: Can you
finish before the music does?
• Description and causes of the
• Effects
• Responses
Too easy? Finished?
What effects could you
add from the trailer?
The whole in my tooth was
caused by too many sweets
The effect of this whole was
My response was to get a filling
from my dentist
(And to eat less sweets in the
Main task 1
The effects and responses to the Boxing Day tsunami
a) Fill out the tables on the effects and
responses to the tsunami
b) Complete the map of the tsunami (helps
provide you with PSI for the exam)
Padlet page (via ipad…. Check the emails)
Copy of page from revision guide
Connective literacy sheet
Your focus reminder 1
And only if you have finished ….p. 21 “understanding GCSE Geography”
By the end of the first task…
To list at least 4 effects and 4 responses to the Asian Tsunami and
categorise these into social, environmental and economic
Do C/D and begin to 1) describe the links between short term and
long term effects and 2) explain the impacts of the responses to
the Asian Tsunami
Do C/B and fully describe how the effects interact to create long
term and short term effects. To evaluate the effectiveness of the
responses by seeing how they may alter the effects
A* Challenge: does there seem to be one place worse affected
than others? Why is this the case?
Main task 2
The causes of the Boxing Day tsunami
a) Cut out and annotate the diagrams to fully
explain the causes of the tsunami
Padlet page (via ipad)
Copy of page from revision guide
p. 21 “understanding GCSE Geography”
Connective literacy sheet
Your focus reminder 2
By the end of the second task…
Give one process that shows tsunamis are linked to earthquakes
Explain in a linked sequence the causes of a tsunami, use some
key words
Explain in detail the causes, the WHOLE sequence, using key
terms of how a tsunami is caused
A* CHALLENGE: why would a tsunami be very unlikely to occur
from an earthquake at a constructive or conservative plate
Exam questions
Use a case study to describe the responses to a
tsunami. (8 marks)
Use a case study to describe the effects of a
tsunami (6 marks)
No question yet on the causes of a tsunami!!!!
Homework – due Tuesday 16/12
Incomplete ebis?
Differences between Shield and composite volcanoes
Notes on Montserrat eruption (causes effects responses)
Prepare for ex q on 1) Alps 2)types of volcano and 3)passive
plate margins 4) effects of tsunami