DiDA – Sources table Lesson 1 – Objectives • Understand the need for the sources table. • Using research to get ideas • Evaluating sources. DiDA – Sources table Research • Anything that we find for use in our ICT work is research. • Good research will make your work professional while poor research will reduce the quality. • This includes images! DiDA – Sources table Poor image research • What is wrong with this image? DiDA – Sources table Poor image research • What is wrong with this image? DiDA – Sources table Tips when choosing an image • Never select an image with a water mark on it! • Always search for “large” images. • Ensure the image matches your theme • Always select full size image! • Always look through a few pages of results before selecting a image. DiDA – Sources table Activity • Imagine you have been asked to create a poster advertising a charity which supports a jaguar. • Try and find a image to add to the poster. This image will take up most of an A4 page. DiDA – Sources table Some considerations Would this work? DiDA – Sources table Some considerations Would this work? DiDA – Sources table Some considerations Would this work? DiDA – Sources table Some considerations Would this work? DiDA – Sources table How a image can be used DiDA – Sources table Finding examples • You will be creating a poster to promote a fictional film of your choice. • Before you start you need to look at example posters AND record your findings. • We need to understand what makes a successful poster DiDA – Sources table Comparing posters What makes a good poster? DiDA – Sources table Comparing posters What do they have in common? DiDA – Sources table Activity • Find 4 movie posters (different movies!) • Copy the following into a word document (we will be needing it later!) – The URL (address) – The poster itself DiDA – Sources table Filling out the sources table • You can get the sources table here • Or you can get it from the dida help site – http://dida.pwnict.co.uk • Use the next few slides to help you complete it. DiDA – Sources table Item / where found Item – What you found Where found – The URL or address of the resource DiDA – Sources table Description of item • It this column you must specify what ideas you are taking from the research. • You should only pick one or two ideas from each research item. • You can also specify ideas which you will NOT use. • You must say how you are going to implement this idea in your work. DiDA – Sources table Look at the example • Look at the example sources table to get ideas on what to add. • Notice the other columns and how they were completed DiDA – Sources table Activity • Complete the sources table for the 4 items of research you have found. • DO NOT start the poster!!!!!! We still have a way to go!