Overnutrition Brochure

What can you do
for your children?
Reduce the following:
• Television viewing
• Computer use
• Fast food meals
• Soda
• “Clean your plate”
But how?
Shop for on sale healthy
foods and snacks; cook
larger meals for quick
and easy leftovers; visit
the park for a day of
physical activity!
More information?
Increase the following:
• Physical activity
• Meals at home
• Fruits & vegies
• Breastfeeding
Visit a free health clinic
Visit your local health
Website to visit:
Choosemyplate.gov and
search “Healthy Eating
on a Budget” for tips.
Fast food: the new
U.S. epidemic
What is overnutrition?
Overnutrition is a form
of malnutrition caused
by excessive intake of
calories and nutrients.
What causes it?
Increased amount of
calories, total fat
consumption, number of
meals eaten out, amount
of fast food consumed.
While genetic factors
may be a cause, lifestyle
is the primary cause of
overnutrition which can
lead to obesity.
Why is it a problem?
What are other effects ?
Overnutrition can cause
obesity, which can lead
to diabetes, asthma,
hypertension, sleep
apnea, heart and lung
conditions, and even
premature death.
Obese children are affect
psychologically also.
Effects can be a lower
self-esteem, higher
stress, AttentionDeficit/Hyperactive
Disorder, sleep
problems, and obesity
into adulthood.
26.6% of children aged
2-5 in the U.S. are either
overweight or obese.
Why does it happen?
A cheeseburger from a
fast food restaurant is
often cheaper than a
salad, and a big of
chips for the family is
often cheaper than
apples for the family.