*A regatear!

İA regatear!
Let’s bargain!
 En muchos países hispanohablantes (Spanish-speaking
countries), regateando es un costumbre (custom) cultural
muy importante y común.
 Lee el artículo siguiente y después completa el diagrama de
Venn, comparando el uso de regatear en los Estados Unidos y
en país hispanohablantes.
 Si tienes la red, lee el artículo en este sitio de red (website)
para que pueda (so that you can) leer los comentarios,
 http://www.nileguide.com/destination/blog/cancun/2010
 Si no, lee el artículo en la próxima página.
How to Bargain in Cancun’s Markets
Travel Tips — Por Susan Vincil en el 10 de septiembre, 2010 a las 14:21
 de http://www.nileguide.com/destination/blog/cancun/2010/09/10/how-to-bargain-
 Shopping in Cancun’s flea markets can be a fun little adventure and it
will also give you a taste of the “real” Mexico. It can also be a bit
overwhelming, if you’ve never done it before, but you can find some
good deals.
 Most shops in the flea markets will have someone standing out front
to try and convince shoppers to enter their store. Some attempt to
be funny by saying things like “My junk is better
than their junk”, or “For you, almost free” Most
of them are just loud and annoying though.
(a continuación)
 (a continuación)
 To get a good deal, you are expected to bargain. Some people enjoy
the challenge of bargaining, while others will happily pay the first
price they are quoted, in a shop. You can do either option but, if you
want to try your hand at bargaining, here are some tips on how to get
a good deal.
 Once you’ve been lured into a store, the sales tactics are usually highpressure and, again, overwhelming. If you like one item, the
salesperson may bring out several similar items to show you, as
well. It’s best to seem indifferent and to avoid eye contact until you
actually see something you really like.
(a continuación)
 (a continuación)
 Cancun, Mexico’s, largest and most popular market
is Mercado 28 (or, in English, Market 28). Market 28
is located in downtown Cancun and you can easily get
there by bus or taxi.
 Inside the market, you will find everything from typical souvenirs,
like t-shirts and shot glasses that have “Cancun” printed on them, to
gorgeous fine jewelry…and everything in between. You can even get
a tattoo, have authentic Mexican food, or eat a nice lunch at a seafood
restaurant, while at Market 28. People will be
yelling at you from all sides, trying to lure you
into their shops. Don’t fall for it. Keep moving,
until you see something you are actually
interested in purchasing.
(a continuación)
 (a continuación)
 Once you see something you like, all you have to do it pick it up, or touch
it and a salesperson will be right there to assist you. Simply ask them “How
much?” or, in Spanish, “Cuanto cuesta?”.
 Sometimes the shop owner will ask you how much you want to pay. Don’t
fall for that trick either. Make them give you a price.
 When the salesperson gives you the price, you will either think that is a fair
price or way too high.
 You are expected to bargain so, even if you believe the price is fair, still try
to bargain a little. For example, if you are quoted a price of $150 Pesos and
you think that is a fair price, tell the salesperson “No, that’s too much” and
then say you’ll give them $100 Pesos instead. If that doesn’t work, offer to
split the difference, and see if they will take $125 Pesos for the item. They
usually budge a little and will, more than likely, accept your counteroffer. If
they don’t, you have 2 choices. You can either pay the higher price (which
is probably the best option, if you truly love the item in question), or walk
(a continuación)
 (a continuación)
 Walking away from a shop will usually cause the salesperson to chase
you out and offer you a better price. If not, there are probably
similar items in another shop at the market and you can try out your
bargaining skills in the other store, instead.
 If you believe the initial price to be too high, you can try the good ol’
strategy of walking away, or you can try to get a much lower
price. To try and get a lower price, start by making a counteroffer of
around 50% less than you were originally quoted. You aren’t likely to
get a shop owner to agree to sell something to you for half-price, but
it’s a good place to start your bargaining.
(a continuación)
 (a continuación)
 You can continue making counteroffers until you reach a number you are
happy with, or you can come right out and say, “I don’t want to spend more
than $300 Pesos on this dress”, or “I only have $300 Pesos. Will you take
that?”. At this point, the salesperson will either tell you you are out of your
mind for thinking you can get the item for such a low price (assuming your
offer is way too low), or they will accept the offer. If they know your
budget, they may also show you different things in your price range, so they
get you to buy something…even if it’s not the original item you entered
the shop for.
 The most important thing to remember when bargaining in flea markets is
to walk away if you don’t like the price and can’t get the salesperson to give
you a better deal. Even if you love an item, you might want to try the
walking away technique, just to see what happens. The worst thing that can
happen is that you have to eat a little crow when you walk back in and pay
the last price the salesperson told you.
 You won’t always find a great deal in the market but, as long as you find
something you love and that will always make you think of your trip to
Cancun, it’s ok to let the shop owner “win” every now and then.
(a continuación)
 (a continuación)
 –You are expected to bargain in flea markets, like Mercado 28,
Mercado 23, and Coral Negro Flea Market.
 –You can bargain with taxi drivers that you hail on the street.
 –If they are not busy, you can bargain with the guys on the beach that
do parasailing, or rent waverunners.
 –You can try to bargain with the various companies that sell sightseeing tours. Sometimes they will give you a better price if you book
several tours with them, or if you have a group of people that will be
taking the tour.
(a continuación)
 (a continuación)
 –Do NOT try to bargain in shopping malls, supermarkets, gift shops inside
your hotel, or at restaurants and bars.
 It’s not customary to bargain in restaurants, but it’s not uncommon for them to have
2 sets of prices…one for locals (on the Spanish menus) and another price for tourists
(on the English menu). This is not an issue in larger, more upscale places, but it’s
quite common in small places, like the little restaurants inside Market 28. Of course,
not every place practices this blatant rip-off tactic, but be aware that it does
happen. The price differences aren’t usually very much (maybe only $5 pesos more,
on the English menu), but it’s enough to leave a bad taste in your mouth. To avoid
getting over-charged, ask to see the Spanish menu…or both the English and Spanish
menu, so you can compare prices.
 –Do NOT bargain with the taxi drivers at taxi stands, called “sitios” (this
includes the taxis that pick you up right at your hotel lobby), or with bus
(a continuación)
 (a continuación)
 In Cancun, most people that deal with tourists will speak some
English. You can try to speak Spanish too. It shows respect for the Mexican
culture, and you might even get a better deal.
Here are some phrases, in English and Spanish, that will prove to be quite
useful when you are bargaining in the flea market:
How much?/Cuanto cuesta?
No, it’s too expensive./No, es demasiado caro.
It’s very expensive./Es muy caro.
No, thank you./No, gracias.
I want to buy this./Quiero a comprar este.
May I pay with my credit card?/Puedo a pagar con mi tarjeta de
credito? (Most shops in the flea markets will only take cold, hard cash, but
it never hurts to ask if they will take credit cards.)
Thank you very much./Muchas gracias.
(el fin)
Completa este diagrama de Venn en tus apuntes sobre
regateando, incluyendo dónde, cómo, y cuándo.
Regateando en Los
Estados Unidos
Los dos
Regateando en los
países hispanohablantes
 regatear
to bargain
 la tienda store (in general)
 ¿Cuánto cuesta/n? How much does it/do they cost?
 Cuesta/n __ It/They cost(s)…
 Lo siento. I’m sorry.
 bastante enough
 No tengo bastante. I don’t have enough.
 demasiado too much
 Es/Son demasiado (caro/a/os/as)
It/They is/are too (expensive, etc.).
 Pero… But…
 Es de cuero. It’s made of leather.
 ¿Qué tal _____ pesos? How about ___ pesos?
 Puedo ofrecerle __. I can offer you (formal) ___.
 Lo/La/Los/Las compro. I will buy it/them.
 Me lo/la/los/las llevo. I’ll take it/them.
(del verbo llevar)
to carry
 El / La cliente customer
 El/La vendedor/a
 vender to sell
 comprar to buy
¡Párate aquí!
 Es todo para la casa. El resto es práctica para la clase. 
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