RFID Automatic Bicycle Lock

RFID Automatic Bicycle Lock
Students: 張納堂, 曾奕智, 許祐群
What is the Problem?
• Time Wasting:
-The Average NTU students spends 7.3 hours a year locking/unlocking
their bicycle according to our small experiment
• Annoying
-Let’s face it, it is annoying to lock and unlock your bicycle many times a
day for a whole year not to mention it will get you dirty countless times.
Our Experiment
• We polled 15 random NTU students on
campus and found out that:
• They lock/unlock their bicycles 12 times per school day on average.
• By experimentation we found out that we:
• Spend average of 9.74 s locking
• Spend average of 7.22 s unlocking
• Results:
• Considering those times and using them
for 5 days a week for a whole year then
the average NTU student spends 7.3
hours a year locking and unlocking their
What is our Solution?
• RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)
We can automate the locking and unlocking process of a bicycle using RFID
which is basically communication between a tag and a reader.
Tag (label)
Reader (interrogator)
How do we Plan to Make this Work?
• Materials
The materials we will use to implement our idea are: a
programmable/writable RFID tag, RFID Card Copier/Duplicator, RFID
reader and a mountable lock for bicycles which closes automatically
depending on the detection status of the reader.
• Implementation
Fixed RFID reader
RFID Reader connected to lock
Supplying power to the RFID reader and lock