Insects, bugs and butterflies

Microcosm, insects and butterflies
• What do you think micro means? And cosmos?
• Think of words that relate to microcosm.
• What is the smallest thing you can think of?
Lesson 1: Insects, scale and tone
Lesson Objectives:
•To look at various artists, who use insects and the
microcosmos as a form of inspiration.
•To understand and look closely at the miniature world
of insects.
•To understand scale by looking at Micrographia by
Robert Hooke.
• To experiment with pencil mark making and
watercolour washes, showing the various delicate
structures found on insects.
Lesson Outcomes:
•A series of monochromatic observational drawings and
watercolour paintings that show understanding of scale,
tone and shade, as well as intricate detail.
•An artist study of either Robert Hooke’s or
Ernst Haeckel’s work.
PLTS: Independent Enquirer - Explore and
develop my work using my own ideas,
experiment with different materials.
Robert Hooke (1635-1703)
An artist, biologist, physicist, engineer,
architect, inventor… or else a polymath.
• What does polymath mean?
His most important work is Micrographia: or
Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute
Bodies made by Magnifying Glasses, published
in 1665.
Micrographia was an detailed illustrated
depiction of the previously unknown
microscopic world.
Robert Hooke - Micrographia
Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919)
A biologist, naturalist, philosopher, physician, professor and artist.
He discovered, described and named thousands of new species and coined many
terms in science and biology.
"You know, the problem with
insects is they're always
popping out where you don't
expect them, you know?
They're always surprising you
and being in places where you
don't want them.”
C. Marley (artist using insects)
Giles Revell
Giles Revell is a contemporary artist and photographer, whose work merges science
and art. His images examine the architecture of insects, flowers and bubbles.
Insects, inspired by the collections of the Natural History Museum, is a project
highlighting the wonders of the insect world.
• How do you think these images were created?
Lesson 2: Butterflies, ink & colour
Lesson Objectives:
•To look at various artists, who use insects and the
microcosm as a form of inspiration.
• To experiment with watercolour painting and to be
able to show the various delicate structures of
wings, wing veins, antennae, legs…
Watercolour: washes and transparency.
Lesson Outcomes:
•A series of paintings of butterflies, using
watercolour paints.
PLTS: Self Manager - Collect different images that I
can use in my artwork. Complete all work to the
best of my ability using my own ideas.
Lesson 3: Printmaking
Lesson Objectives:
•To gain knowledge and understanding of printmaking.
•To experiment with different printmaking techniques, such as collagraph and monoprint.
Collagraph: Print using a built surface (collage) using various textured materials.
Monoprint: Create a single print by drawing on the ink.
Lesson Outcomes:
•A built surface of different textures representing Ernst Haeckel’s and Richard Lydekker’s
•A monoprint of an insect.
PLTS: Effective Participant –
Talk and write simply about my work
and artists work.
Know how to change my artwork
to make it look better.
Collagraph is a printmaking process in which various textured materials are applied on a
rigid surface .
During this lesson you need to create a pattern surface inspired by Ernst Haeckel’s and
Richard Lydekker’s Radiolarians.
Monoprint is a form of printmaking that has an image that can
only be made once. No two prints are alike.
It is considered as a printed painting/drawing, rather than a
reproduction technique.
After rolling a small amount of ink you can either:
Place a sheet of paper on it and draw, or
Remove some of the ink, with a cloth, and then place the
sheet of paper on top.
Lesson 4: Experimental Textiles
Lesson Objectives:
•To gain knowledge and be able to discuss and
analyse the work of Louise Bourgeois.
•To experiment with different textiles techniques,
weaving and sewing.
Lesson Outcomes:
•A fabric work of a spider in the ‘style’ of Louise
•In your own words write about Louise Bourgeois’
life and artwork. Make an artist study of one of her
PLTS: Creative Thinker - Try out different ideas and
designs with my art work. Experiment with different
materials and ways of working to combine ideas.
Louise Bourgeois
Louise Bourgeois was a mixed media artist who dedicated her life
to the artistic process and used her own experiences to create her
work. She made artwork that is unique, real and imaginative.
She has exhibited her art work in galleries all over the world.
Bourgeois was using the spider as a central image/idea in her art.
Louise Bourgeois
•Describe the artwork (materials, colours etc.).
•What makes it interesting?
•How does it make you feel? What sort of atmosphere does it create?
•What do you think the idea is behind the work?
•How could you use Louise Bourgeois’ artwork as an inspiration for you own work?
•Think of a suitable title for this work.
Louise Bourgeois, Maman
Louise Bourgeois, Fabric Work
‘The Spider is an ode to my mother. She was my best friend. Like a spider, my mother was
a weaver. My family was in the business of tapestry restoration, and my mother was in
charge of the workshop. Like spiders, my mother was very clever. Spiders are friendly
presences that eat mosquitoes. We know that mosquitoes spread diseases and are
therefore unwanted. So, spiders are helpful and protective, just like my mother.’
Louise Bourgeois
Lesson 5: Collage, patterns and tessellations
Lesson Objectives:
•To gain knowledge and explore the work of
Christopher Marley, Damien Hirst and Jennifer
•To think of the ethics of art.
•To understand patterns, symmetry and tessellations.
•To experiment with collage.
Lesson Outcomes:
•A geometric pattern.
•A collage in the ‘style’ of the above artists.
•Create a pattern with the technique of collage.
PLTS: Teamworker - Share my skills and abilities with
fellow classmates with confidence. Be able to give
and take advice on how to improve my own and
others work.
Jennifer Angus
• Describe this work by
Jennifer Angus.
• How was it created?
• What do you think the
idea is behind the
Jennifer Angus
Damien Hirst, Christopher Marley
Patterns and Tessellations
Think of the composition, colours, shapes and patterns of these artworks.
• Get inspired by looking at the mosaic patterns on your table.
• In pairs, create the basic layout of a geometric pattern, using rulers, round
objects and different shapes. Make a couple of experimentation and then
transfer your chosen pattern into the A3 sheet provided.
In your pairs remake your
pattern by using the
drawings/paintings of your
Think of how the insects
themselves (colours,
shapes…) enhance the
pattern you have created.
Rivane Neuenschwander
Lesson 6: Collage; Evaluation & Assessment
Lesson Objectives:
•To develop your collage and experiment with mixed media.
•To think of an individual final piece.
•To evaluate and assess your work.
Lesson Outcomes:
•A completed collage in the ‘style’ of J. Angus, D. Hirst & C. Marley.
•An Ideas Planning Sheet for a final piece.
•Self-assessment sheet completed.
PLTS: Reflective Learner - Know how to make my work look better
and set myself achievable targets to reach my next level.
Ideas & Final Piece Planning
Remember the artists we looked at:
R. Hooke
E. Haeckel
L. Bourgeois
C. Marley
Remember the artistic processes we used.
• Those were…
Ideas & Final Piece Planning
Pencil drawing
Watercolour painting
Ink and mixed media
Fabric sculptures
• Which of the artists inspired you the most?
• Which of these processes did you enjoy the most?
• If you could make an individual final piece based
on this project (the microcosm), what would it be and why?
• What materials would you use?
• What would the title be?
Ideas Planning Sheet
In the space below draw a sketch of how your final piece would look like.
The main artist(s) I have been inspired by for my final piece is/are:
Robert Hooke/Ernst Haeckel
Louise Bourgeois
Jennifer Angus/Damien Hirst/Christopher Marley
I would like to work in the following medium:
Watercolour Painting
Ink/mixed media
Printmaking (monoprint/collagraph)
Other (specify):
The reason for this is:
Give your artwork a suitable title and explain why:
Level 3
Level 4
Looking at art work by other
artists, designers, craftspeople
and cultures
I can record other art work
and describe it
I can compare other art works
and explain the different ways
they are made and what they are
Exploring ideas and
developing my art work by:
Collecting information (visual,
written etc.)
Trying out different ideas
I can respond to ideas
given to me by my teacher
and research these ideas.
I can collect other
information for my art work
I can research a range of ideas in
different ways and use this
information in my art work
Investigating materials and
processes and making art work
demonstrating understanding
of the formal elements eg.
Line, Tone, Texture, Colour,
Form, Shape, Pattern
I can listen and follow
instructions and use
different art materials
I have used what I have learnt
about materials and processes to
make a piece of art work that
connects to my project
Evaluating my own and other’s
art work and developing it
I can describe my own
work and identify things I
need to do to improve
I can discuss my own and other
people’s art work, describing
how it is made and work out how
it could be improved
Level (number)
Areas for development:
Evidence to explain level
Sub-level (letter)
Louise Bourgeois
This is a sculpture by Louise Bourgeois.
•Describe the artwork (materials, colours etc.).