Galaxies - Ms. Ryan`s Class

Write down your objectives and homework in
your notebook.
Why is gravity really important to the
formation of new planets?
 Write down your response in your notebook.
 You will have 10 minutes to complete the do now.
 Next share your answers with the class.
Gravity is responsible for the formation
and shape of planets… and stars.
Gravity is the force that keeps moons in
orbit around a planet (“revolution”).
Sort the galaxy pictures into 3 groups based on
the characteristics you observe.
The galaxy sorting activity is found in brown
envelopes on the teachers desk next to the pink,
blue, green, file folders. The teacher will pass
this out to each table.
Each group consisting of two students will
choose one set of galaxy to sort.
Please sort the galaxies based on size, form,
shape, color or anything you can think of and
justify your answer to the class.
How can galaxies be classified?
Galaxies are clusters of billions of stars that
may have different shapes.
Galaxies can be classified by their shape type.
The universe is a HUGE place that contains
billions of galaxies, including our Milky Way
Scientists believe that there is a black hole at
the center of each galaxy.
Spiral galaxies are disk shaped with a bulge
in the center and arms that spiral out from
the bulge.
The shape is caused by rotation (spinning).
Barred spiral galaxies are created during
angular momentum they begin to spin next
they flatten out with a central mass in the
middle creating the bar
Elliptical galaxies are shaped like a deflated
 Can have a round or elliptical (oval) shape.
They rotate slowly or not at all.
Irregular galaxies do not have a distinct
This is the most uncommon type of galaxy.
Spiral Galaxy
Elliptiical Galaxy
Irregular Galaxy
· Central bulge: Old
· Spiraling arms: New
Stars, gas, dust, planets
· Sun is one of the
billions of stars.
· Milky way is a spiral
• A barred spiral is an
type of a spiral
· Made of many stars
and looks like a
· Largest galaxies
· 5 trillion stars
· Stopped making new
stars 10 billion years
· No clear shape
· Formed galaxies
· Few as 10 million stars
· Smallest galaxies
Based off the information you have just
learned please sort the galaxies now in the
correct classification.
Write down if you were correct the first time,
if so how did you know how to classify them?
If you were incorrect sorting them, what have
you learned about classification?
Create a Venn Diagram to show the
similarities and differences between the two
galaxies below.
Go to Ms. Ryan’s Weebly account under the Daily Agenda page click on the
cotton ball activity. The brown constructions paper is in cubby hole which
is located on top of the black filing cabinet near the teachers desk. The
cotton balls are located inside the teacher’s desk in the bottom right hand
corner. The teacher will give these supplies to students to pass out.