Intro - Code Blue -Health Science edition 4

Notes to Instructors on the Use of the PowerPoints
▪ The first fourteen slides in this presentation contain instructor
suggestions for using the PowerPoint slides and accompanying
lecture notes.
▪ Delete these if you post the slides for students to access.
▪ Do not show these first fourteen slides to students.
Printing off Handouts
▪ I recommend that you print off PowerPoint handouts (three slides
to a sheet) so that students can take notes.
▪ To print off the handouts in a format that will allow students to
take notes, select “Print,” then select “3 slides” from the same
drop down box, then click on the “Print” button.
▪ If your budget does not allow you to provide handouts for the
students, they can take notes on notebook paper, as they would for
any classroom lecture or discussion.
Have the Students Read the Book as a Novel First
▪ Since this is a novel, most instructors who have used these
materials in the past have found it best to have the students read
the entire book in the first week or so, as many want to find out
“what happened.”
▪ Also, covering a murder/mystery over an extended length of time
may cause students to lose track of what is going on with the plot
▪ After the students have read the entire novel, the go back and hit
the subjects in each chapter.
Have the Students Read the Book as a Novel First
▪ During the first week or so when the novel is being read in its
entirety, you may wish to assign a certain number of pages each
day to allow the students to get through the book in a relatively
short period of time, consistent with what might be done in an
English class.
▪ This does not mean that you cannot start covering the technical
material in the beginning chapters. You may wish to lighten the
homework load during the time they are reading the entire novel,
Use of the PowerPoint Slides
▪ The PowerPoint slides are designed to be an integral part of the
learning process—they are more important as a teaching resource
than slides made available for most standard textbooks.
▪ Since this is not a textbook, but a textbook/novel, the PowerPoint
presentations provide structure to the course.
▪ I recommend that you spend the first 20 minutes or so of class
time reviewing with the PowerPoint lecture, then turn to the
storyline of the chapter, and then cover the discussion questions.
Tips for Using the PowerPoint Slides
▪ Encourage students to participate in classroom discussions by
expressing their opinions not only on what was done in the story,
but also how it was done.
▪ I purposely present some real world situations where professionals
did the right thing, but did it in the wrong way.
▪ A good way to encourage student participation is to ask: “Do you
agree this action (such as a dismissal of an employee) had to be
▪ Then ask: “Do you agree with the way it was done?”
Tips for Using the PowerPoint Slides
▪ One of the themes of this book is how something is done is often
as important as what is done.
▪ Many professionals do the right thing, but do it in the wrong way
(i.e. in a way that offends people, does not involve others in the
decisions process, and so on).
▪ Professionals can do the right thing, but fail because they did it in
the wrong way.
▪ Being able to illustrate principles such as this is one of the
advantages of teaching materials using a story.
Tips for Using the PowerPoint Slides
▪ Stress that in the real world there is often not “one right answer.”
This will make it easier for students to express their views without
the fear that they will be giving “the wrong answer.”
▪ In many courses, we focus so much on teaching students the right
answer that students are reluctant to participate in classroom
discussions for fear of being wrong and losing the respect of the
teacher and their peers.
▪ This book is designed to get students thinking—to help them to
realize that in the real world issues are not always “black and
white;” to help them feel more comfortable in dealing with
ambiguous situations.
Instructor Lecture Notes
▪ A great deal of effort has gone into preparing the instructor
comments attached to each slide.
▪ Please read these comments before you prepare your class lesson
plan, as they contain important information students should be
▪ To print off these notes, select “File,” “Print,” and then click on the
drop down box that says “Full Page Slide.” From that drop down,
box select “Notes Pages” and then print your selection.
Example of Handout in Note Taking Form
Example of Instructor’s Slide with Notes
Slide with bullets
student will see
Instructor lecture that
student will not see.
Printed off prior to lecture
for instructor use.
Instructor Lecture Notes
▪ I purposely do not include all of the material to be presented in the
lecture as bullets on the PowerPoint slides.
▪ Students learn more when they actively participate in the learning
process. This includes taking notes on the instructor’s lectures.
▪ Also, when all the information they need to know appears on the slides,
students tend to “tune out.”
▪ To encourage the students to take notes, some questions in the test
bank have come from the instructor comments, not found in the
readings and not in the PowerPoint slide bullets the students can view.
▪ To learn the materials it is important that the students take notes on the
instructor comments!
▪ Not every chapter has a Power Point slide presentation, as some
chapters just serve to move the plot along.
Emails from Instructors are Encouraged!
▪ I have had instructors contact me in the past with suggestions for
improvements for new modules.
▪ In many of these cases, I have prepared requested modules and
posted them on my website.
▪ These new modules have then been added to the book in a
subsequent edition.
▪ As a professor who is interested in teaching students and helping
instructors, I am always happy to hear from instructors (and
students if they wish to write).
Emails from Instructors are Encouraged!
▪ Email me with suggestions or comments at
Richard E. McDermott, Ph.D., Author
to the Health
Care Industry
Richard E. McDermott, Ph.D.
Code Blue Health Science Edition 4
The History of the
American Health
Care Industry
History of the Healthcare Industry
▪ What comes to mind when we think of our 21th century healthcare
Hospitals Were Not Always Places to Get Well
▪ In the 17th and 18th centuries many doctors were barbers . . .
▪ . . . and hospitals were little more than poor houses, places that
people with no money or no family, went to die.
Medical Advice Came from Unreliable Sources
▪ A popular radio show during the early part of the 20th century
provided medical advice.
▪ One cure advocated for disease was to have a gland from a goat
transplanted into the patient’s body (yikes!).
Cures Were Not Always Related to the Illness
▪ If that didn’t work, the listeners were told to buy Bonnores Electro
Magnetic Bathing Fluid.
This is the actual
advertisement for
Bonnores Electro
Magnetic Bathing
scary, right?
Medicine Was Not Always Dispensed by Doctors
▪ If that didn’t work, they were advised to use Clark Stanley’s Snake
Oil Liniment.
A Scientific Revolution . . .
▪ So what caused the field of medicine to become scientifically
The Germ Theory of Disease
▪ One major advance was the acceptance of the germ theory of
The Germ Theory of Disease
▪ Previous theories
▪ Four Humors
▪ Miasma Theory
The Four Humors Theory
▪ One of the most famous victims of blood
letting was our first president, George
▪ On December 13th, 1799 he developed a sore
throat. The doctors concluded his humors were
out of balance and so they bled him.
▪ When he got weaker, they decided they had not
taken enough blood so they bled him again.
▪ He got weaker still . . . and so they took more
▪ By the time he died, they had between 5 and 7
pints of his blood.
▪ A man his size has between 8 and 9 pints of
The Miasma Theory
17th Century artist rendition of “bad night air.”
Opposition to the Germ Theory of Disease
▪ Despite the work of such
outstanding scientists as Louis
Pasteur, opposition to the germ
theory of disease died slowly.
▪ Horror stories abound of doctors
who would go from treating
patients with infectious diseases
to delivering babies or
performing surgery, without
washing their hands!
The Development of the X-ray Machine
Henry Ford—Industrialist and Philanthropist
Henry Ford
Model T Ford
Henry Ford Hospital Today
The Health Insurance Industry
Justin Ford Kimball
Job Opportunities
in the Health Care
The Healthcare Industry
▪ The healthcare industry is the
largest industry in the United
▪ It is almost as large in terms of
expenditures as the second and
third largest industries combined
(Education and Defense).
▪ Obviously the industry has a lot
of jobs!
The Healthcare Industry
▪ Hospitals represent just one place
that health professionals work.
▪ Nevertheless, there are more than
400 different job descriptions (not
jobs, but separate job descriptions)
in a large urban hospital.
▪ A large university hospital might
have as many as 3,000 employees.
▪ Hospitals are usually the largest
employer in their communities.
Hospitals are not the only places that offer high
quality jobs, however, other places include . . .
▪ Home health agencies
▪ Outpatient clinics
▪ Physician offices
▪ Public health agencies
▪ Nursing homes and extended care facilities
▪ Health maintenance organizations
▪ Healthcare consulting organizations
▪ Government agencies
▪ And many others
US News & World Report Best Jobs of 2012
▪ Audiologist
▪ Optometrist
▪ Biomedical equipment technician
▪ Pharmacist
▪ Curriculum/training specialist
▪ Physical therapist
▪ Genetic counselor
▪ Physician assistant
▪ Health policy specialist
▪ Registered nurse
▪ Management consultant
▪ Systems analyst
▪ Mediator
▪ Veterinarian
▪ Occupational therapist
▪ Hospital administrator
Jobs in the healthcare industry provide . . .
▪ High pay
▪ Clean, stimulating work
▪ Meaningful work—the opportunity
to make a difference in the lives
of other people
▪ The opportunity to work with
highly educated, motivated
▪ Strong future demand
Ethical Issues in
the Healthcare
Healthcare Ethics
▪ Healthcare (or biomedical) ethics really developed as a separate
field of study in the 1970s.
▪ What do you think are some of the developments that caused this
field to become more important than it had been in the past?
Some Developments Creating Ethical Dilemmas
▪ Revelations of abuses of human
subjects in medical research
▪ Conflicts between medical
procedures and religious beliefs
▪ The ability to prolong life almost
▪ The impact of high cost on
accessibility to healthcare
▪ The quality of life for those on
indefinite life support
▪ Euthanasia
▪ Ambiguous definitions of death
▪ Organ transplants
▪ Stem cell research
▪ Conflicts between what is legal and
what is moral
▪ Invitro fertilization
▪ Abortion
▪ Genetic engineering
▪ Other
A Few Comments
on the Format of
the Book
Format of the Book
▪ Code Blue is a textbook/novel. It presents
the same material that would be
presented in a textbook, but is written as a
novel to make the material more
interesting and easier to understand.
▪ The book tells the story of an
administrator of a hospital who is killed in
a mysterious accident.
▪ His successor has never worked in a
▪ The new administrator soon discovers that
the hospital is failing, and he has no
understanding of the reasons why.
▪ As he seeks to understand how the
healthcare industry differs from all other
industries he has worked in, students
learn about the healthcare industry.
There are some differences between a textbook
and a textbook/novel
Similarities include:
▪ Each focuses on teaching specific subjects. Code Blue covers most
of the healthcare skill standards.
▪ Additional discussion material, along with discussion questions
appear at the end of each chapter.
▪ PowerPoint slides provide an overview of topics covered in the
▪ Instructors are provided with test banks.
Yes, there will be tests!
Format of the Book
Differences include:
▪ Chapters may vary in length depending upon the need to maintain
the storyline.
▪ As some chapters are only a few pages in length, an assignment
may include reading more than one chapter.
▪ Some chapters are added simply to support the story—they
constitute what we call “recreational reading.”
▪ The story does not attempt to present the issues students will face
in the professional world as “black and white.” In the real world
there is a great deal of ambiguity.
Format of the Book
▪ Students are encouraged to identify with the characters and
participate in discussions of whether they would have done what
the characters did.
▪ In most of these discussions there are no wrong answers. Don’t be
hesitant to express your ideas!
Format of the Book
▪ There is a table of contents at the beginning of the book detailing
the topics to be covered in each chapter.
▪ Definitions are defined in side boxes when they first occur in the
book. A comprehensive glossary of terms is presented at the end
of the book.
▪ An explanation of abbreviations is also included at the end of the
book, along with an alphabetical index.
The End!