File - GCCP Service Learning Site

Service Learning at Comer
First things First
 What is Service Learning or Community Service?
 Community Service refers to service that a person performs for
the benefit of his or her local community. Step outside of your
familiar environments and expand your horizons.
 What it is not?
 It is not something you are paid for
 It is not something that only benefits you
Classes, Summer of a Lifetime, Internships
Why Service Learning?
 It exposes you to new opportunities and new
experiences that you may not normally have
 It makes your city and community a better place
 Colleges value students who are involved in their
 You can get real world experience that employers will
value when you start looking for jobs
Service Learning at Comer
 How many hours?
You are encouraged to complete more than the required 40 hours.
Freshman – 10 hours total
Sophomores – 20 hours total
5 hours per semester
Juniors – 30 hours total
5 hours per semester
5 hours per semester
Seniors – 40 hours total
5 hours per semester
Service Learning At Comer
 Ambassadors
 Remember you are representing GCCP when you are in the
 Treat those you meet respectfully
 Dress in Comer appropriate clothing
Not too tight
 Not revealing
 Appropriate for the type of volunteering you are doing.
Be gracious to the people you meet and work with.
Comer Service Learning Site
 Syllabus
 Approved Site List
 Request to add new sites form
 Reflection Form Link
 SL Coordinators Contact Info
 Example Blog
 This PowerPoint!
Logging Your Hours and Getting credit
The Process:
your hours
about your hours on Weebly
your reflection form
Blogging on Weebly
 For best results blog the same day or the next day so
the experience is fresh in your mind.
 If you volunteer at a location multiple times a week,
you only need to write one blog for each week you
 This is a record of what you did, make sure it’s done
Weebly Blog Expectations
 One-time or Once/Week Volunteer Activities.
 Blog should be 200 words (minimum)
 Blog should be grammatically correct
 Pick a memorable experience you had on the trip and write
about it in detail OR explain why your service was needed and
how it will help the community
 Multi-Day per week Volunteer Activities
 Blog 1 time/week; Blogs should be 200 words long for every
10 hours you worked.
 You cannot request more than 20 hours at a time
 All other requirements are the same
The Weebly Site
 Go to
and create an
 Do not use your
Facebook Account.
You should use your
personal email to
create this account
and a password that
you can remember.
Creating your Blog
Click on the
Blog Option
to create
Creating your Blog
The next screen will
ask you to pick a
theme. Pick your
2. You will then be taken
to your editing page.
You want to use a
subdomain of Weebly
 Your subdomain should be:
*If your domain is taken, add numbers
(two at the most) after your initials
Ex. jvs39gccpsl
Creating Your Blog
On the first page you want to select that you will do a New
Post - bottom right corner of the screen.
Creating Your Blog
 Every student must have this title on their blog page
 Header: Your Name ex. Jane Doe
Creating Your Blog
 You need to include the full name of your
organization in the title
 The date should reflect the date you did the service.
If you click on the calendar you can adjust the date.
Creating your Blog
Drag and drop a Text Square to write your
2. When you are done click “Post” so your blog
Creating Your Blog
 Always remember to choose the Subdomain of
 After you Publish Live you need to Publish you blog 1
more time.
Creating Your Blog
This will be your
blog website.
This is what you
include in your
Click on the blue link to
make sure that everything
you added is visible on the
Creating Your Blog
 Check out this example of what a student blog should
look like.
Blogging from your Cell Phone
 Download the free App on your iPhone or Android
 Sign into your account
 Happy Blogging!
Tracking your Hours
 You can track your
hours from you blog
 At the end of each blog
entry you must put the
total number of hours
you served.
Reflection Form
 We’ve gone paperless!
 Go to and fill out the form.
 Read the guidelines before submitting
Reflection Form
 You must copy and paste your blog website in the
reflection link box. This link will be the same
every time you submit a form.
Approved Site List
This list will be updated throughout the year.
Approved Sites List
Approved Site List
 Want to add a new organization to the approved site
list? Submit this form! –