Forensics and Mathematics Ricky Pedersen De La Salle College Newton’s Law of Cooling Newton’s Law of Cooling • You may wish to choose a volunteer to “play dead” • Police tape is a bonus! • Fake blood Newton’s Law of Cooling Achievement Standards 3.7 & 2.2 Curriculum Levels 7 - 8 Learning Outcomes: • Solve Logarithmic equations for an unknown • Graph Logarithmic equations Newton’s Law of Cooling Things to watch out for: Students may not know that k is specific to the body They may also assume that the cooling rate of bodies is linear Suspect Radius Suspect Radius Who could have done it?!?!?! • Time of Death established with Newtons Law of Cooling – hopefully between classes • Teacher must have walked to and from class in the transition time (2 minutes) Suspect Radius Achievement Standards 2.2, 2.14, 3.1 Curriculum levels 5-8 Learning Outcomes: • Graphing the equation of a circle or ellipse and finding the equation • Determine whether a point lies in the interior or exterior of a circle/ellipse based on the equation Suspect Radius Students will need to • Decide on a suitable stride and speed at which a teacher would walk • Using a map they can mark out possible suspects and rule out teachers who are not in the radius Suspect Radius Guide the students • Even though it is 2 minutes between classes, the circle radius would have to be halved • The maximum distance can be found using the distance equation Suspect Radius Extension • Use buildings with multiple levels • Add in extra information – “Mr Pedersen was seen arguing with Ms Yang in the morning” Suspect Height Suspect Height Time to identify the suspect! • You will need a shoe print…preferably not a high heel • Discussion for students - what use is this shoe print to us? Suspect Height Achievement Standards 1.4, 1.6, 1.11 Curriculum levels 4-6 Learning Outcomes: • Substitution with variables • Measuring and managing sources of variation • Using an explanatory variable to predict a response variable Suspect Height • Useful tools – iNZight or censusatschools database • Provide an equation if you’re lazy • Good opportunity to do hands on practical measuring! Bone Lengths and Height Bone Lengths and Height These bones can be used to identify the height of a person • • • • Femur (thigh) Humerus (arm) Tibia (shin) Radius (forearm) Bone Lengths and Height Achievement Standards 1.2 & 1.4 Curriculum levels 4 - 6 Learning Outcomes: • Substitution with variables • Rearranging and using formulae • Linear graphing Bone Lengths and Height Male measurements Height = 69.089 + 2.238 F Height = 81.688 + 2.392 T Height = 73.570 + 2.970 H Height = 80.405 + 3.650 R Bone Lengths and Height Female measurements Height = 61.412 + 2.317 F Height = 72.572 + 2.533 T Height = 64.977 + 3.144 H Height = 73.502 + 3.876 R Bone Lengths and Height • How tall is a male if his femur is 46.2cm long? • If a female is 152cm tall, how long is her humerus? • In order to ride a rollercoaster, your tibia should be at least 30cm’s. How tall does a male need to be? Bone Lengths and Height • Graph the equation for a male and female radius on the same grid. • What length radius will produce a male and female of the same height? • What does the x and y intercepts mean in this context? Blood Spill Blood Spill Other activities using blood…. • Let’s have a look at the blood spill (hopefully not stain) • You can either use liquid or cut out paper Blood Spill Achievement Standard 1.6 & 3.6 Curriculum levels 4-6 and 7-8 Learning Outcomes: • Calculate the area of compound shapes • Calculate rates of change Blood Spill • Draw up a unique blood spill which is non uniform in shape • Students to calculate the area of this spill. Blood Spill • Draw up several uniform blood spills • Get students to measure the radius of the circles (as best they can) • Calculate the rate of change of the area for different values of dr/dt Blood Spatter Analysis Blood Spatter Analysis Achievement Standard 1.6 & 1.7 Curriculum levels 4 – 6 Learning Outcome: • Calculate unknown angles and sides of right angled triangles Blood Spatter Analysis • When blood drops hit the ground, they stretch depending on the angle • Students can simulate this using an eye dropper and beetroot juice • Angle the paper, not the dropper! Blood Spatter Analysis Blood Spatter Analysis Teachers Desk