OIL SPILL RESPONSE EQUIPMENT Oil Spill Response Why do we care about oil spill response equipment? How does this equipment affect us? Ship Escort/Response Vessel System (SERVS) Methods for cleaning up oil spills Mechanical Burning Chemical Shoreline clean-up Biological Mechanical Containment Booms and Skimmers Booms When are they used? How do they work? Where do they have problems? Skimmers What types are there? How do they work? What problems are associated with skimmers? Burning Chemical Methods Dispersants Herders Solidifiers Dispersants Solidifiers Other Methods Shoreline Cleanup Bioremediation Shoreline Cleanup Top: http://faculty.buffalostate.edu/smithrd/PR/Exxon.htm Right: © Ron Cogswell Bioremediation Use of bacteria to eat oil Has to be used in moderation Bacteria used to help clean-up the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico (Image: Courtesy of Heimholtz Center for Infection Research (HZI))