Anne Frank Book Club

Day 1
0 How does Anne resemble most thirteen-year-olds you
know? Is she similar or different than most? (TChart)
0 The Franks decide to go into hiding in Holland rather
than try to escape to another country. Why do you
think they made that choice?
Day 2
0 Why do you think Anne is able to adjust rather
positively to her life in hiding? What traits does she
possess that contribute to her ability to cope?
0 In what ways is a diary a unique form of literature?
How does a diary compare to a novel or memoir?
Why do people write diaries? Why would a diary be
particularly helpful to someone in hiding?
Day 3
0 What do you think is the point of the classroom
restrictions activity we conducted this week? How
might it be symbolic?
0 Read the poem you pasted in your writing journal by
Martin Niemöller.
0 What is his point? Circle the textual evidence that
leads you to this conclusion.
0 What is the purpose and effect of his use of
0 How does this poem relate to our classroom activity?
Day 4
0 Why is Anne in conflict with most of the adults in the
“Annexe”? Which of Anne’s characteristics do you
think prompt this conflict? From Anne’s perspective,
what is the basis of her conflict with her mother? The
Van Daans? Mr. Dussel?
0 Personification is the giving of human characteristics
to inanimate objects. How does Anne personify her
diary? Why does she write in her diary as though she
is writing to another person?
Day 5
0 Re-read p. 16-18 that describe the Secret Annexe.
0 Read the excerpt from Maus, a graphic novel, where
Vladek Spiegelman tells his son about hiding from the
Nazis. (Tape into your journal.)
0 Make a Venn Diagram in your journal that compares
and contrasts the following concerns:
0 Hiding space
0 Duration (length of time hiding)
0 Comfort/Conditions
0 Genre of the writing
Day 6
0 Review the “Prospectus and Guide” handout. As a group,
look for the following:
Figurative meanings
Meanings of words
Impact of word choice on tone
Analysis of the overall organization
0 How do those in hiding use humor to cope with these
0 How does the diary illustrate the idea that courage and
hope can triumph over the most difficult circumstances?
How do the residents of the “Annexe” react to the
restrictions on their activities? How do they express
humor? How does their humor express hope?
Day 7
0 Implicit vs. Explicit:
0 Read the passage aloud.
0 What is the text saying explicitly?
0 What is the text saying implicitly (reading between
the lines)?
0 What do these inferences tell you about Anne’s
character and relationships with others?
Day 8
0 Read the passage (“Tuesday, 7 March, 1944”).
0 Mark Anne’s main points (underline, draw arrows, circle
words, make notes, pose questions). How is she feeling?
How has she changed?
0 Read the poem, “My Life” by Billy Collins.
0 Mark the poem. What point is the speaker making? Why?
What words or phrases stand out?
0 Compare and contrast the two texts. What are the deeper
meanings here? What do the poem and Anne have to say
about life? What do they say about nature?
Day 9
0 Read the sample passages from Anne’s diary.
0 Make brackets to show which paragraphs you think
are mostly factual and which ones express emotions.
0 Paste the chart into your journal and complete it using
the passages.
0 Based on your chart, what can you conclude about
Anne’s writing style? Does Anne’s writing change with
the subject matter she presents (facts versus
feelings)? Explain using specific examples.
Day 10
0 Revision in Focus: