dinner party notes

Lesson 3:
“The Dinner Party” and “A
Curious Romance”
 Notes
What literary devices does and
author use to help to communicate
theme in a work of fiction?
Irony: a literary device that uses a word
or phrase to mean the exact opposite of
its literal or usual meaning; incongruity
between the actual result of a sequence
of events and the expected result.
 Setting: The time and place in which a story occurs;
details related to time and place affect the meaning of a
Key Words
 Comparison:
Finding the
similarities or “sameness” of
two or more things.
 Contrast: Finding the differences of two or more
Key Words
Theme: The statements about life and the
“big ideas” that an author communicates
in a work of fiction.
Key Words
Direct Characterization
 Indirect Characterization
 stereotypes
 interior monologue
 dialogue
 suspense
Activity: Pair-Share for Setting
What do you think is the setting
communicated in this image?
 How does setting affect your expectations about
what is happening in this image?
Evidence of Literary Devices used
to Communicate Theme in “The
Dinner Party”
 1. What is the main conflict in the story?
 The story has 2 intertwined conflicts:
 —main conflict—problem of assumptions of
 2. What do you think is the climax of the plot?
 The climax occurs when the snake goes for the
bowl of milk and the American slams the door shut.
Theme in “The Dinner Party”
One possible theme is that not all
stereotypes are true. The thought that
“all women scream during a crisis” gets
proven wrong when Mrs. Wynnes remains
calm during the crisis moment with the
Key Words: Definitions
Key Words: Fill in the blank.
 Irony
explicit evidence
implicit evidence conflict
proof of an idea communicated by an author
 1._______________________________
that is stated directly within the text.
of an idea communicated by an author
 2._______________________________proof
that is inferred by the reader through the connection of key details within the text.
________________________________a literary technique of creating interest and
 3.
intriguing the reader to wonder what will happen next; find an example in the text!
problem in a story that drives the plot
 4._________________________________the
to a climax.
something is the opposite of what is
 5.__________________________________when
expected; find an example in text
Evidence of the Author’s use of
Irony to Communicate Theme in “A
Dinner Party”
Best evidence:
 “Because it was crawling across my foot.”
 Why is this the best evidence of irony?
 answer: This evidence disproves the expectation and
stereotype set up in the exposition by the prejudice again
women of the Colonel.
Evidence of the Author’s use of
suspense to communicate theme in
“A Dinner Party”
“he sees a strange expression come over the face of the
hostess.” (29)
“the boy’s eyes widen, and he quickly leaves the room.” (29)
“there is only one place left—-under the table.” (29)
“his first impulse is to jump back and to warn the
“he is saying ‘two hundred and eighty” when, out of the
corner of his eye, he sees the cobra emerge…” (30)
“screams ring out as he jumps to slam the veranda shut” (30)
 also…VERB TENSE is Present tense…more immediate feeling—
Archetypal Theme: Stereotypes
Define in your Textual Analysis
 Stereotype: A general _assumption_ that is made about a
___group__ of people and is applied to everyone in that
 Stereotypes are based upon prejudice.
Evidence of Stereotypes in “The
Dinner Party”
evidence of
crisis,” the colonel says, “is to scream.”
How does an author use setting to
help communicate the theme?
Why is it important to know the setting
of a story?
 Answer: Understanding the setting is important because it
affects the reader’s
 ____expectations________________________.
Main Character Review
Main Characters in the story: Importance within the story
1. Mrs. Wynne
hostess of the party; demonstrates through her calm problem-solving of the cobra
crisis that the colonel’s stereotype about women is false.
American Naturalist
guest at the party; elite
 2.
professor of nature; only person to recognize Mrs. Wynne’s problem-solving; figures out a
cobra is in the room and helps solve the problem of the cobra and the stereotype.
 3. colonel
shows prejudice as he debates with a young girl and says that all women scream in a
4. young girl
defends women; courage to debate the colonel
 5. servant
afraid of the cobra; obeys quickly and sets out the milk
 6. colonial official
host of the party;
How does an author use
characterization to communicate
 Direct Characterizaton
narrator in the text states facts and
description for the reader.
to infer character traits based upon key
details in the text.
Application of Direct and Indirect
. You will use your textbook and scan the
story for descriptions of characters.
2. Direct characterization is easier---the
narrator states directly some details about
the character.
3. Indirect characterization is like a puzzle—
you have to “read between the lines” and
draw conclusions about the character.
How do we use Indirect
Characterization to interpret
 Look for-- 1. things the character says
 2. Things that other characters say or feel about the
 3. Physical actions or facial expressions that reveal
something about the character.
Then figure out what these reveal about the character.
Theme in “The Dinner Party”:
Textual Structure
Definition of theme: The overall meaning,
big idea, or life insight that the author
communicates in a text.
 How does the author structure the text
and include Key Details so that you can
interpret her meaning in “The Dinner
 Use the graphic organizer to find evidence related to the
theme of this story.