Facebook - Our Beachbody Coach Training

Facebook is a social network that has taken
the internet by storm.
It’s a place for people to connect, share
information, promote businesses, and build
relationships and credibility.
If used properly, Facebook can serve as a
great marketing tool and help you get people
into your Challenge Groups.
If you want to become successful in this
business, you have to build relationships with
people, both online and offline.
Facebook is different than other social
networking sites in that when someone adds
you as a “friend,” for whatever reason they
feel like they now have a connection with you
and know you on a personal level.
When you establish relationships, build trust
and credibility, over time people will listen to
your recommendations.
Most new coaches have a hard time understanding
the difference between selling and recommending.
◦ When you “sell” something, people feel you’re doing it for
your own benefit.
◦ When you “recommend” something, people feel you’re
trying to help them.
◦ There is a BIG difference!
It’s important that you become a product of the
product, meaning you use something, understand the
value in it, and then recommend it to others.
◦ Your passion and confidence when talking about a product
will lead to others having confidence in you.
◦ Recommend the products and Challenge Groups like you
recommend a good movie, doctor, etc.
If something doesn’t work for you, don’t
recommend it.
Approach people with the intent to help
them, not sell to them.
Truly believe that Beachbody products can
help change lives, and others will believe as
Don’t change who you are just because you’re now a
Beachbody Coach.
Show people you’re normal, have flaws, struggle, and
◦ This way people know you’re human.
◦ You can talk about your failures, but mention how you have
learned from them and moved forward.
 Gives people hope.
The best thing you can do for your business is treat
the people you coach and talk to as friends, not
customers or potential customers.
Be positive! Positivity spreads like wildfire and makes
people feel great.
◦ When posting on Facebook, keep posts positive because
nobody likes negativity.
If you haven’t already done so, go to
Facebook.com, and fill out the necessary
information to get signed up.
Next, you will need to adjust some settings.
To do so, go to the drop down arrow in the upper
right hand corner and select “Account Settings.”
Once there, the first thing you will need to do is
update your username.
◦ Right next to “username,” click “edit,” and then create a
short, easy username.
◦ This is important for sharing purposes.
 Your Facebook link will become facebook.com/(username).
Next, update your privacy settings.
◦ Under the drop down arrow you will see “Privacy
Facebook has it’s own mobile app that’s great
when you’re on the go.
You can adjust the settings of the app on
your phone and in your Facebook settings.
All of your social media sites and website should
be interconnected.
Facebook and your site should serve as the
center points for your entire business, the 2
places you direct people too most often.
Whenever you get a new customer, the first thing
that you need to do is reach out to them and
have them “Like” your Facebook page or send you
a friends request, and let them know that
Facebook messaging is the easiest way to
◦ Many emails go into the “spam” folder, and Facebook
messaging eliminates that from happening.
Next, you will need to update your profile with all
the necessary information.
Under your profile picture on your “Wall” you will
see an “About” section that you can edit.
Update your employer information to include
Beachbody and what you do as a Beachbody
◦ i.e. Help people by putting together Challenge Groups.
Scroll down and edit the “About You” section.
◦ Be sure to include links to your site, making you their
coach, your Facebook “Like” page, etc.
Being a product of the product and getting
results with Beachbody products is important
for marketing purposes and credibility.
If you have a great transformation, use one of
your “after” pictures as your profile picture.
◦ If you don’t, use a picture showing you having fun!
Stay away from any profile pictures that
would tarnish your image, such as pictures
with alcohol.
If you have a picture with you and a famous
trainer like Tony Horton, use that.
The banner is the main larger picture behind
your profile picture.
You want your banner to be something that’s
motivational, inspirational, fitness or health
related, or of your results and team.
If you have Photoshop, click here for the psd.
file that I use to create the banners.
You’re going to want to create a picture album of
your “before” and “after” photos if you have them.
On your profile page, select “Photos,” and then “Add
Photos” in the top right hand corner.
The same rule for the profile picture applies to any
albums that you create, and you don’t want to upload
anything that will tarnish your image.
Be sure to include any photos with Beachbody celebs
like Tony Horton, Carl Daikeler, and Chalene Johnson.
Also include pictures of you doing Beachbody
workouts and using Beachbody products for
People love videos, especially ones with
product reviews, transformation pictures,
motivation tips, workout and diet tips, and
transformation stories.
Whenever you create a video, be sure to
include your website name at the beginning
and end.
◦ I use iMovie or my iPhone to create all of my videos.
It’s important that you try to update your
status each hour to an hour and a half.
◦ Use Hootsuite to schedule your posts.
 There is a separate training on how to use Hootsuite.
Make sure you respond to any comments on
your posts in a timely manner.
◦ Remember, the more conversations you engage in,
the more relationships you will build.
Be enthusiastic, passionate, and positive!
◦ People don’t like negativity.
Posting links to your Beachbody shop page.
Talking about how others can save 25% as a coach.
Telling people to contact you to learn more about
Beachbody products.
Talking about nothing but Beachbody.
Telling people that they need to join your team.
Saying that you have a business opportunity.
Mentioning how to add you as their free coach.
◦ If you're carrying on a conversation with someone, then you
can mention this, but try to do this through messaging.
"Recruit" other coach's customers.
◦ It's against company rules, so be careful with this.
Talk about your story and success WITHOUT posting links.
Occasionally post your “before” and “after” pictures and
Post fitness, health, and motivational tips.
Talk about other people's success stories, preferably your
family, friends, and customers with different Beachbody
Ask questions to spark conversation.
Keep a balance between personal and business posts.
Posting links to your blog posts.
Spend about a half hour on Facebook Chat.
◦ For example, "What's on your to-do-list for the day?" or "How
many of you are watching Vampire Diaries tonight?"
◦ People want to know you!
◦ People don’t perceive blogs as “salesy.”
◦ Use bit.ly to keep track of clicks.
◦ Many of my coaches and customers have come from me talking
about the opportunity through Facebook chat.
Diet tips
Healthy Recipes
Workout Tips
Motivational Quotes
Success Stories
Product Reviews
“Like” this if….
Results Pictures
Results video
Posting your
Posting your diet
Your Hobbies
Pictures of Family
Something that I did in the very beginning of
my coaching career was watch and study
those who were successful on Facebook.
I watched their status updates, how they
interacted, their positivity, how they
supported their customers, and it helped me
figure out how to use Facebook the right way.
People you can “Like” and watch include Mike
French, Mindy Wender, Chris Balmert, me
(Josh Spencer), Hillary Kelly, Barbie Decker,
Mike Ryan, and Tommy Mygrant.
It’s important that you respond to all Facebook
messages within 24 hours that you receive them.
◦ This has been something I have done since day 1, and
many people respect that and make me their coach
because of doing so.
◦ If not, they will find a coach who will.
◦ Answer them ONCE PER DAY at the same time every day.
There are many questions that people will ask
you through messaging instead of posting on
your wall because of the fear of being
Good place to talk to people about making you
their coach and joining one of your Challenge
If someone you don’t know reaches out to you
and asks you a question, MAKE SURE the first
thing you ask them is “Before I get to your
questions, am I your coach?”
◦ If you’re not their coach, ask them if they have one, and
if not, have them make you their coach.
◦ If they do have a coach, ask who their coach is and if
they are currently happy with the coach. If not, they can
make a coach switch by emailing Coach Relations.
There will be many people, both other coaches
and other coaches customers that will reach out
to you for advice.
Focus your attention on your own customers and
If you already have an existing customer base, run a
customer report in your coach office and then look them
up to see if they are on Facebook.
◦ Use their email to search for them.
I have found that many customers who don’t respond to
your emails will respond to your Facebook messages.
◦ Many times the Beachbody bulk emails go directly into people’s
spam folders.
◦ Customers love when you reach out to them individually instead
of through a bulk email.
A great way to connect with them is to add them to an
exclusive group just for the people you coach.
MAKE SURE you don’t friend request them, but rather send
them a message.
◦ Facebook will block you from sending requests if the person says
that they don’t know who you are and rejects the friend request.
◦ Sample message on next slide.
“Hey bro! I’m your Beachbody Coach and
wanted to reach out to you on here since it's
the easiest way to communicate. Let me know
that you got this message and I'll go ahead
and send you a friend request. I would send
one now, but I've been having some issues
with some people that I coach clicking that
they don't know me, causing Facebook to
send me a warning message. Apparently they
didn't know I'm their coach! Anyways, get
back to me soon!”
There is a feature on Facebook that allows
you to create an event and invite people.
This is a good way to invite your customers,
prospects, and coaches to any Beachbody
On your Home Page, in the left hand column
there is an “Events” section, and there is a
“Create Event” button in the top right hand
A “Like” page is a Facebook profile that allows
people to “Like” you instead of adding you as a
Many people feel that they should have a
separate “Like” Page for strictly the Beachbody
business, but it’s important to still keep a
balance between personal and business posts.
There are a few differences between “Like” pages
and personal pages:
1. “Like” pages allow unlimited “likes” while personal
pages have a 5,000 friend limit.
2. “Like” pages are optimized, meaning they are picked
up by search engines, while personal pages are not.
First, sign out of Facebook.
Next, under “Sign Up,” click on “Create a page
for a celebrity, band or business.”
Under “Create a page for a:” select “Artist,
band or public figure.”
For the “Page Name” box, put your name or a
catchy fitness slogan.
 i.e. “Josh Spencer” or “I Want to Get Ripped”
Check the box that says you’re the official
representative and click “Create official page.”
You’re going to go through the same process
of creating a profile just like you did for your
Facebook personal page.
Make sure you upload a good “after” picture
and banner.
Make sure you add links to your website,
Facebook page, making you their coach, etc.
in the “About” section.
When adding links, make sure you use
“http://” before the site so that it’s clickable.
Creating a page username is very important
for promoting purposes.
By creating a page username, your site will
become facebook.com/(username).
To create a username, go to this link:
Select the page you want to change the
username for, make sure it’s spelled right,
check availability, and then save it.
You can’t go back and change it once saved.
Under each status update that you make on
your Facebook Like Page you will see
something that says how many people saw
the post.
◦ By keeping track of this, you can see which status
updates are effective and which of those aren’t.
Also, in the “Admin Panel” you will see
something that says “Insights.”
◦ This will show you your track record of success or
lack thereof with your posts and new “Likes.”
Fan pages can be TREMENDOUSLY helpful in building
relationships with others, just as long as you use them the
right way.
Beachbody has a Fan Page for every program, and even
though there are a lot of coaches on there hounding
people, if you just reach out to people, answer their
questions, and show them that you are in no way trying to
sell them anything and just trying to help, they will
eventually make you their coach.
If you are engaging in conversation with someone on a
Beachbody Fan Page, ALWAYS move it to messaging so
that other coaches can’t see what you’re doing and try to
come in and steal your prospect.
Something that works on Beachbody Fan Pages is posting
your transformation, especially if you have a good one.
There are many other Fan Pages out there that are
not affiliated with Beachbody that you can use to
establish relationships with others.
What do you like to do for fun? Do you like riding
bikes? If so, join a biking fan page. Do you like to
snowboard? If so, join a snowboarding page.
There are thousands and thousands of pages that you
can join, and many of them are fitness related.
Join pages of hobbies that you enjoy doing, build
relationships with people by starting a conversation
with them, and then once you get comfortable
enough to where you trust one another, you can talk
about Beachbody and the possibility of them joining a
Challenge Group.
Because everyone is using Facebook, a Facebook
Group Page is a great way to connect and
collaborate with your team.
Hillary, Mindy, and I have all created private
Team Group Pages where anyone can post
questions, concerns, struggles, tips, and really
anything that will help the team grow.
If you aren’t already part of the team group page,
request to be a part of
*IMPORTANT* Make sure you don’t go out and
create your own group for your coaches until you
are at least a 2 Star Diamond coach with no less
than 500 total coaches.
Facebook is a POWERFUL marketing tool, just
as long as you utilize it properly.
Establish relationships with people, build
trust, don’t seem “salesy,” truly be in it to
help others and you will gradually notice an
increase in your sales and amount of coaches
you sign up.