Cynthia, Goddess of the Moon: Mythology & Self-Understanding

Sarah Kemble
Knight and
of the Moon
• called Luna by the Romans, Selene and
Artemis by the Greeks
• twin sister of Apollo was Artemis; also known
as Diana, Phoebe, Selene, or Cynthia
• goddess of the moon, of maidens, of hunting
(the chase)
• had three aspects: Diana in the heavens, Luna
on earth, and Hecate, goddess of witchcraft, in
the underworld
generally represented
as a beautiful maiden,
clad in a short hunting
dress, armed with a bow,
a quiver full of arrows
at her side, and a
crescent on her head
• quintessential female archetype
• three aspects to the moon corresponding to
– waxing moon represents youthful maiden
– full moon represents mother goddess
– waning moon represents wise old woman
or crone
• effects of the Moon must be understood to
effectively understand one's self
• “KNOW THYSELF” written on temple at Delphi,
Greece; i.e., to know thyself, one must
understand the effects of the moon in the
birth chart
Sarah Kemble Knight
“Fair Cynthia, all the homage that I may
Unto a creature, unto thee I pay”