Investigating the effect of Vocabulary Learning

SKBI 6004
Research Methodology
Investigating the effect of Vocabulary
Learning Strategies on Iraqi students Vocabulary
 Learning English language as a foreign or second
language needs lexical knowledge which plays a vital role
to learn this language effectively.
 Vocabulary acquisition makes second language learners
(L2) adept in accurate meaning, spelling and derivations
(Ramírez, Chen, & Pasquarella, 2013).
Problem Statement
 Vocabulary knowledge dependents on vocabulary learning
strategies where most learners identify the acquisition of
vocabulary as their greatest source of problems ( Abdo and
 Teaching vocabulary learning strategies is given least
attention in EFL classrooms (Abdo & Breen, 2010).
 This study focuses in identifying the vocabulary learning
strategies of EFL Iraqi students to enable English language
instructors gaining a better understanding of it
Research Aims
This research will achieve the following objectives:
 Determine the vocabulary level of EFL Iraqi
 Determine the relationships between different
VLSs and vocabulary level of EFL Iraqi students.
• Q1; What is the vocabulary level of EFL Iraqi
• Q2; What is the relationship of current learning
strategies and vocabulary level of EFL Iraqi students?
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acquisition in a distinct Middle Eastern student population.
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 Gu, Y., & Johnson, R. K. (1996). Vocabulary learning strategies and
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 Ma, Q. (2013). Matching vocabulary learning process with learning
outcome in L2 academic writing: An exploratory case study. Linguistics
and Education, 24(2), 237-246.
 Ramírez, G., Chen, X., & Pasquarella, A. (2013). Cross-linguistic transfer
of morphological awareness in Spanish-speaking English language
learners: The facilitating effect of cognate knowledge. Topics in
Language Disorders, 33(1), 73-92.
 Wu, L.-F. (2014). Technical College Students’ Perceptions of English for
Specific Purposes Vocabulary Learning and Teaching. International
Journal of English Language Education, 2(1), pp. 176-186.