2 DAY LESSON PLAN FOR CUANDO TÍA LOLA VINO DE VISITA A QUEDARSE Tracy Linder Spanish III Honors and/or Spanish IV (juniors and seniors) CAAP COMMON CORE – THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Reading Level 4 – 1. Read and understand selected short novels, plays, and/or poems (authentic or from graded readers). Writing Level 3 – 10. Compare and contrast aspects of life in the target culture and those in your culture. CAAP COMMON CORE CONTINUED Listening Level 3 – 8. Listen to and understand a sequence of directions or a procedure (e.g., a recipe, what to do in case of fire or other emergencies, etc.) Speaking Level 4 – 3. Discuss your opinion about a cultural topic in the target culture (e.g., holidays, foods, sports, tolerance of foreigners, etc.). Level 4 – 6. Initiate and sustain discourse about a literary or cultural topic of interest in the target culture AIMS Reviewing previosuly taught vocabulary Developing reading and comprehension skills Developing speaking skills Understanding culture how food helps to shape ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What are your family traditions/rituals with food? How In do food traditions change over time? what ways is your favorite dish different from the dish that Tía Lola makes in chapter 4? PROCEDURE – DAY 1 Motivation: Questions for discussion ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? Discuss as a class ¿Qué tipo de comida come tu familia? Students list responses Volunteers share with the class DAY 1 CONTINUED Revisit food vocabulary list from previous course Food Vocabulary Brainstorm add to list other food words and DAY 1 CONTINUED Divide into groups Give each group a different dish mentioned during the family food discussion Ask groups to make a grocery list for each meal Groups share their lists DAY 1 CONTINUED Summary: Questions for discussion ¿Qué tipos de ingredientes fueron usados más en cada plato? ¿Qué piensas que son los ingredientes más comunes en la comida dominicana? Homework: Read ch. 4 of Tía Lola PROCEDURE – DAY 2 Re-read as a class the section about huevos rancheros (pg. 42-44) Motivation: Discussion questions and video ¿Por qué piensas que el anciano disfruta más la comida cuándo Tía Lola la prepara? ¿Qué ingredientes piensas que hay en los huevos rancheros? DAY 2 CONTINUED View YouTube video for making huevos rancheros http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw1PUlG hJio&feature=related Brainstorm cooking verbs Students write short paragraph comparing and contrasting huevos rancheros with their favorite food DAY 2 CONTINUED Summary: Discussion and Share Share paragraphs Discuss how food helps to shape culture and how food traditions change over time ROUGH PLAN FOR DAY 3 Review list of cooking verbs Quick review of informal commands Begin planning for presentation of recipe of choice CITATIONS Alvarez, Julia. Cuando Tía Lola Vino de Visita A Quedarse. New York: Yearling, 2001. Print. “Como Hacer Huevos Rancheros.” IMUSA. YouTube. 2010. Web. 25 July 2011.