Ethics and Safety Management

Ethics and Safety Management
By: Ton Aiello
Health Safety
When using a computer for long periods of time,
you can cause health risks ranging from minor to
• RSIs (Repetitive Strain Injury)
• Blood Clots
• Back Issues (Lumbar)
• Headaches/Migraines
• Arthritis
There are several ways to avoid health issues
concerning computers.
• Using Ergonomic Equipment/High Resolution
• Avoid sitting in the same position for a full use
• Adjust background lighting
• Taking breaks every half hour or less
Security Risks
As with many other things computers have
security risks. These risks can range from
miniscule to extremely harmful. The main risks
are identity theft, data corruption, and viruses.
These risks are caused hackers or crackers.
Computer hackers and crackers are generally
computer experts who gain satisfaction from
defeating a security system and can steal,
change, or damage stored data.
The leading programs used by hackers and
crackers to damage or steal data are
Sniffers (Search for important data)
Dictionary Attackers (Uses a file of words to solve passwords)
Keyloggers (Records all actions)
Spyware (Checks actions, searches for data)
Trojans (Damages files)
Worms (Multiplies itself)
Along with hackers and crackers, a power outage
or mechanical failure could result in severe
damage or complete loss of data. That’s why it is
essential to backup your data on an external
storage device and save your data every so
often. It is also not a bad idea to get an
uninterruptible power supply like a battery to
support your system in a power outage.
Access Restrictions
To help safeguard against hackers, viruses,
Trojans, and worms, it is smart to set a strong
router password. A strong password (contains
at least one letter, number, or special
character.) protects against brute force
attacks, also called dictionary attacks which
use a program that tries various words or
phrases in the dictionary file to find your
It is also important to beware aware of tactics
such as phising or the fraudulent use of a
similar site to obtain someone’s information
such as PIN numbers.
Private Property
Contrary to common belief, if you do any
activities on a company or organization’s
computers, the information that is saved is
considered their property and can be used for
legitimate purposes. This is why companies
usually have a policy form that must be signed
before you can use their computers.
Before you make any transactions on the
internet it is imperative that you check the site
to ensure it is secure. Sites such as
present a Transport Layer Security (TLS) or
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for sites
that process sensitive data.
Both SSL and TLS programs implement a private
key and a public key. The private key deciphers
the information where as the public key
encrypts. This form of encryption is called
asymmetric cryptography. Cryptography is the
process of encrypting and deciphering data.
Cryptography is derived from the Latin word
Kratos which meant hidden.
Changes and Responsibilities
As with the constantly changing work place, the
internet is changing as well. So it is crucial to
always stay up to date with acceptable usage
rules. A good example of incorrect and unethical
usage is the rising issue of software piracy in
companies. Instead of a company purchasing a
network version of a software program, they buy
the basic version for extremely less and upload it to
every computer in their possession.
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Morrison, C., & Wells, D. J. (2011). Computer literacy basics, a comprehensive guide to ic3. (3rd ed., pp. Mod3-151 - Mod3167). Course Technology Ptr.