11/25 & 12/1 20th Century Internal Assessment Roll Out Do Now ~ Old Assignments being returned Grade Update Icebreaker:Where to find 20th Century Internal Assessment Info? Internal assessment criteria—SL and HL The historical investigation (SL and HL) is assessed against six criteria that are related to the objectives for the Diploma Programme history course. Counts towards 20% of your EXAM GRADE!!! Criterion A Plan of the investigation Criterion B Summary of evidence Criterion C Evaluation of sources Criterion D Analysis Criterion E Conclusion Criterion F Sources and word limit 3 marks 6 marks 5 marks 6 marks 2 marks 3 marks Total 25 marks Plan of the investigation Marks Level descriptor 0 There is no plan of the investigation, or it is wrong 1 The research question, method and scope of the investigation are not clearly mentioned 2 The research question is clearly mentioned. The method and scope of the investigation are discussed and related to the research question. 3 The research question is clearly stated. The method and scope of the investigation are fully developed and closely focused on the research question. Do explain: Why you chose the sources you did, how did you use the sources to help answer your question....Use the term method and scope ...150 words Summary of evidence Marks 0 1–2 Level descriptor There are no facts/material relating to your topic There are some relevant facts but it has not been referenced. 3–4 There are relevant facts which clearly shows evidence of research, organization and referencing. 5–6 The factual material is all relevant to the investigation and it has been well researched, organized and correctly referenced. You can have sub-headings to organize your research...use must use specific dates, stats, events, quotes, and descriptions...DO NOT generalize... CITATIONS!!!!....500 – 600 words Evaluation of sources Marks 0 1 Level descriptor OPVL There is no description or evaluation of the sources. The sources are described but there is no reference to their origin, purpose, value and limitation. 2–3 There is some evaluation of the sources but reference to their origin, purpose, value and limitation may be limited. 4–5 There is evaluation of the sources and explicit reference to their origin, purpose, value and limitation. Deal with TWO SOURCES separately....this is not a compare contrast!!! Do not use acronym OPVL...Look @ General Words of Advice on Internal Assessment...240 – 400 words Analysis Spend serious time on this! Marks Level descriptor 0 There is no analysis. 1–2 There is some attempt at analysing the evidence presented in section B. 3–4 There is analysis of the evidence presented in section B and references are included. You might show some awareness of the importance to the investigation of the sources evaluated in section C. Where appropriate, different interpretations are considered. 5–6 There is critical analysis of the evidence presented in section B, accurate referencing, and an awareness of the importance to the IA of the sources evaluated in section C. Where appropriate, different interpretations are analysed. You cannot introduce new evidence here...explain the significance of evidence used in section B in section D (analyze) ...You must explain the importance of the sources evaluated in section C to answering your research question...500 – 600 words E Conclusion Marks 0 1 2 Level descriptor There is no conclusion, or the conclusion is not related. The conclusion is stated but is not entirely consistent with the evidence presented. The conclusion is clearly stated and consistent with the evidence presented. Should be super easy if you did Parts B & D correct... This should be the first place you will state your THESIS (your one sentence answer to your research question)....150 – 200 words Title Page Layout Title Research Question Word Count: Internal Assessment History Session: May 2015 Candidate Name: Candidate Number: Expectations IB recommends you spend 20 HOURS researching your topic, develop a refined essay question, and write up the investigation Final product MUST be between 1,500 & 2,000 words This does not include references, headings, subheadings, or section F (your list of works cited) What can you write your about in the IA Should be an extension of your knowledge and understanding of history Choosing a topic and then refining it into a research question is one of the hardest tasks of the IA CHECK OUT HOW TO WRITE A RESEARCH QUESTION ON MY WIKI!!! Remember: It should be a topic that your are genuinely interested in You need to be able to access, read, analyze, and evaluate, a wide range of sources – includes PRIMARY & SECONDARY Time period – 1900 – 1999 Topic Selection Once you have chosen your topic, you need to narrow it down to a specific research question which will allow you to take an analytical approach Example: Topic: Collectives in Russia Working Title: To what extent was promoting the use of collectives an example of Joseph Stalin’s inability to lead? How should you go about collecting evidence? After you have found a topic & developed a working question you need to begin your research!!! You should aim to have a variety of sources including PRIMARY and SECONDARY sources YOU SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST 10 SOURCES Primary sources include newspapers, journals, public broadcasts, published diaries, government papers, and speeches Make sure we are taking down notes….WE WILL BE USING EASYBIB AGAIN….share with the same Email as Extended Essay huhsibee@gmail.com Once you begin your research… You might need to adjust your question Example: To what extent did the religious policies of X lead to her fall from power in…..? Research …little evidence Example: To what extent did the economic and foreign policies of X lead to his/her fall from power in….? Section A: Plan of Investigation (3 marks) State your research question Define the scope of the investigation – clearly identifying the themes or lines of argument considered in your research. Also include a time frame Explain the method used – what types of sources will be used, and which two key sources you will be evaluating and why: 150 Words Section B: A summary of evidence (6 marks) Key is to set down your evidence clearly Include subheadings Consistently referenced the material Must be organized and thematic Can be presented as a numbered or point list Or in paragraph format You must reference all evidence in this section 500 – 600 words Section C: Evaluation of Sources (5 marks) Critically evaluate TWO important sources appropriate to the investigation Refer explicitly to the origin, purpose, value, and limitation of the selected source 400 – 500 words Section D: Analysis (6 marks) This is the ‘essay part’ You must show an understanding of the issue or question in its historical context You must make critical use of the evidence presented in section B An awareness of the significance of the source used, especially those in section C, must be evident Where appropriate, there should be consideration of different interpretations (Different Historical Viewpoints!!!) You must reference all evidence in this section NO NEW EVIDENCE 600- 700 WORDS Section E: Conclusion (2 marks) Answer the question that you set in your title Make sure that your answer is based on the weight of evidence that you have presented 150 – 200 Words Section F: Referencing (3 marks) Not included in word count! Accurate and consistent referencing throughout your IA Reference all sources Use an appendix to attach any illustrations, documents, transcripts, possible sources used for OPVL Word count – on title page!!!...If word count is not stated on title page 1 point maximum Useful websites Student Examples www.internationalschoolhistory.net/IB/internal_assessment/ examples.htm www.schoolhistory.co.uk www.ibsurvival.com › International Baccalaureate › History www.osc-ib.com