American Revolution Presentation (PowerPoint)

Lesson: The American
Students compare and contrast the
Glorious Revolution of England, the American
Revolution, and the French Revolution and their
enduring effects worldwide on the political
expectations for self- government and individual
By the end of the lesson you will know the
government, problems, people, events and
documents important to the American Revolution.
You will also explain its influence on individual
liberty and self government.
-Retrieval Chart
-Computer and LCD (or other monitor)
-Engaged/Curious minds
Quickwrite- Were the American colonists justified in revolting against their
government and their king, King George III? Explain.
Please write your response in your notebook; I will not collect.
When you finish, please take out your retrieval chart for notes on the
American Revolution.
Do you have any questions about the homework or current events?
Studying Revolutions- As we compare the Glorious, American, French and Latin American Revolutions, we will
consider the following for each. Recall our previous lessons.
Government Before the Revolution:
kind of government did they have before the revolution? Was it an
autocracy, a monarchy, a democracy, an oligarchy or an aristocracy? Or was it
something else?
Government prior to the American Revolution.
The American colonies were colonies of Great Britain (English
colonies in America). As such they were under English law. King
George III was king
The government in England was a constitutional monarchy (the
king and the parliament share power).
Were there social, political, economic or natural problems contributing to
the situation?
Were there social, political, economic or natural problems contributing to the
American Revolution?
There were many things the colonies were upset about.
Trade restrictions
Loss of personal rights
Abuse of authority
Link to Web- must have web connection
What are the names and characteristics of the people involved? Do the
personalities and policies of the people contribute to the revolution?
Louis XIV
George III (England)
Sam Adams- Sons of Liberty
What are the names and characteristics of the people involved? Do the personalities and policie
of the people contribute to the American Revolution?
George III wanted more power.
Sons of Liberty- a group of colonial rebels
organized to oppose England (Patrick Henry,
Sam Adams, Doctor Warren, Paul Revere)
John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James
Madison, Alexander Hamilton- Political
leaders tried to persuade others why the
Revolution is necessary and winable.
Dramatic Events- Actions or Violence
Dramatic Events- Actions or Violence
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Tarring and Feathering colonial governors.
Shot Heard 'Round the World
Youtube Song
New Governments Formed- Was a new government formed as a result of the
New Governments Formed- Was a new government formed as a result of the
American Revolution?
The United States of America is formed. It is a
Democratic-Republic (the people vote for representatives
to the national government).
13 individual states operate as a federation (a group with
similar goals).
Documents and Their Importance:
What important documents were written or published during the revolution and what is their legacy (why were
they or are they important)?
Documents and Their Importance:
What important documents were written or published during the revolution and what is their legacy
(why were they or are they important)?
Declaration of Independence- "All men are CREATED equal." "The right to govern is
granted by the PEOPLE."
Constitution of the United States of America- "We the people of the United States. . . ."
The Constitution stipulates the responsibilities of the different branches of government
(legislative, executive and judicial) as well as the rights of the people (Bill of Rights).
What was the Revolution's influence on individual liberty (freedom) and self-government (ability or expectation that man can and wil
govern himself)?
What was the Revolution's influence on individual liberty (freedom) and self- government
(ability or expectation that man can and will govern himself)?
Americans are all held to a rule by law, and no one is above the law.
America is a democratic republic- a government in which elected officials represent
the desires of the people.
Americans have rights that allow them to free speech, religion, and trial by jury.
Draw a venn diagram and compare the American Rev. to the Glorious Revolution.
dec of ind.mp4
Son's of Liberty.mp4
From Heads Unworthy.mp4