27 February – IB Economics • Practice test question • Go over circular flow of income worksheet • Examine how circular flow of income applies to GDP • Assess possible IA articles How does the circular flow of income connect to GDP? Will the NEV oust the SUV? - California • Do this externalities problem without reference to your textbook or notes. • You have 15 minutes. • Hint for d): Think about marginal costs and benefits (social and private) Syllabus Item 78 • Identify the four factors of production and their respective payments (rent, wages, interest and profit) and explain that these constitute the income flow in the model. • Outline that the income flow is numerically equivalent to the expenditure flow and the value of output flow. • Explain how the size of the circular flow will change depending on the relative size of injections and leakages. Possible ways to show circular flow of income “The circular flow of income is a neoclassical economic model depicting how money flows through the economy.” Source: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/circularflow-of-income.asp Source: http://www.dineshbakshi.com/images/economics_diagrams/circular-flow-ofincome-2.jpg Source: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_-LUlXoF3oOY/SJxzXg8zNI/AAAAAAAAAGg/DOutaYPIv5A/s1600/CirFlow.jpg Source: http://thepeaktimes.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/circular-flow-of-income.png A website useful for its diagrams… http://www.s-cool.co.uk/alevel/economics/aggregate-demand-andaggregate-supply/revise-it/the-circular-flow-ofincome The bathtub metaphor How is the circular flow of income like a bathtub? Draw your bathtub. Business basics: Declan Curry explains what GDP is http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/8637712.s tm What is the definition of GDP? How can GDP be measured using the circular flow of income? Heuristic (rule of thumb) for choosing an IA article (from Mr. Barrett) 1. Data (for graphs ideally) 2. 1-2 page article 3. Policy/Strategy (could challenge, contradict) 4. Econ terminology 5. Stakeholders With a partner, rate the 3 articles using these 5 points. Syllabus http://ibeconomics-isd.weebly.com/