ALWG Chapters 9 & 10 with short answer review

Warm Up & Announcements
▪ Make sure you did your short answer from last class on the padlet.
▪ Your persuasive essay (worth 35% of your grade will be on Monday,
December 8th. There will be no in class revisions for this essay. If you
need help or a review, please see me.
▪ Your writer’s notebooks will be checked next class (Thursday). Make
sure you have it with you. Remember, these are a test grade this six
How is the OER Scored?
▪ It’s rated on a scale of 0-3
▪ 2 or 3 is considered “passing”
▪ So, what is a 0, 1, 2 or 3 answer?
This response is too vague to understand.
This response fails to give any textual evidence. (Quote)
This response makes an interpretation not found in the
This response is just a plot summary
0 = 50% in my gradebook
Partially Sufficient
▪ This response only gives an answer.
▪ This response only gives textual evidence and
fails to answer the question.
▪ There is no clear connection between the answer
and the evidence.
▪ 1 = 60% in my gradebook
This response answers the question and gives
appropriate evidence (Quote)
The connection between the answer and the
evidence (Quote) is clear.
A 2 response will earn a 70-85% depending
on how clearly explained the answer is.
▪ Everything a “2” has, PLUS:
–Particularly insightful answer
–Embedded quotations
–Exceptional vocabulary
▪ Score is 85-100%
Now, you be the judge! What score
is this and why? Discuss with your
Sample Question: In “Is Criticism a Four-Letter Word?,” how does the author feel
about criticism? Support your answer with evidence from the selection.
The answer is…
▪ Score Point 2
▪ The student presents the reasonable idea that the author feels
criticism should be used constructively and responsibly. The
student provides relevant quotations that support the idea,
making this a sufficient response.
What about this one? What score
is this and why? Discuss with
your group.
The Answer is…
▪ Score Point 3
▪ The student presents the perceptive idea that the author feels
criticism can have a positive effect and can make a person
confident as long as it is used constructively. The student shows
an awareness of the complexities of the text by recognizing that
the author uses the positive connotation of the word “confident”
to emphasize the positive effect of “criticism.” The student uses
well-chosen quotations to strongly support the validity of the
idea. This response indicates that the student’s reading
performance is accomplished.
As you read for chapter 9:
We’re going to start looking for
themes emerging in the novel. As
you read, highlight quotes that
you think reveal the theme. Be
sure to label your highlights with
what thematic idea they reveal
and what type of literary device
they are an example of. After this
chapter, there is a short answer
quiz related to theme.
Share with your group!
▪Each group member will share at
least one quotes that they
marked. Make sure you explain
what theme it shows & WHY you
chose it. (person with the darkest
hair goes first).
“A Long Way Gone" Chapter 9 Short Answer
▪ Short Answer (OER): What is one theme you see
emerging in this chapter? Use evidence from the
text to back up your answer. (Remember, use the
APE- Answer, Prove, Explain format.)
▪ Please type your answer into the form here:
Chapter 10: As you read…
Use a star for
information, devices,
and strategies you
Use an exclamation
point to indicate what
you feel strongly
about in the article.
Use a question mark
next for parts that are
confusing or next to
any information that
you’d like to explore
Share with your group!
▪Each group member will share at
least one quotes that they
marked. (person with the lightest
hair goes first).