Session 2

Session 2
Pedagogy in the Social Sciences
(Part 1)
Instructional Strategies in the Social Sciences: A-Z
Assigned Questions
Book Talks
Case Studies
Class Discussion (Open-Ended, Guided Questions, Talking Stick Circles)
Compare and Contrast
Concept Formation / Maps
Cooperative Learning Techniques *
Didactic Questions (5Ws: Who, What, Where, When, Why)
Experience Charts
Field Trips
Four Corners (Strongly Agree – Strongly Disagree)
Graphic Organizers
Instructional Strategies in the Social Sciences: A-Z
Group Research (Assigned Roles)
Heterogeneous and Homogenous Grouping
Independent Research (Essays, ISU, Projects, etc)
Journal Writing
K-W-L (Know, Want to Know, Learned)
Learning Contracts
Mind Maps
Mini Lessons
Oratory (Public Speaking & Speech Writing)
Parking-Lot Post-It Notes
Peer Teaching
Instructional Strategies in the Social Sciences: A-Z
Personal Reflections
PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting)
Problem Solving (Scenarios for Decision Making)
QARs (Question and Answer Reviews)
Read and Respond
Role Playing
Seminar Presentations
Structured Controversy
Think, Pair, Share
Tutorial Groups (Reciprocal Teaching)
Writing Conferences
GRADES 7 – 8:
Grades 7 & 8 History: The Topics
In both Grade 7 and Grade 8 History, the expectations are divided into
two chronological strands.
Grade 7
A. New France and British North America, 1713–1800
B. Canada, 1800–1850: Conflict and Challenges
Grade 8
A. Creating Canada, 1850–1890
B. Canada, 1890–1914: A Changing Society
The Concepts of Historical Thinking
There are four concepts of historical thinking that underpin all
thinking and learning in history:
Historical Significance
Cause and Consequence
Continuity and Change
Historical Perspective
The Historical Inquiry Process
There are variety of ways students can engage in the Historical Inquiry
Formulate Questions
Gather and Organize
Interpret and Analyze
Evaluate and Draw Conclusions
Grades 7 & 8 Geography: The Topics
In both Grade 7 and Grade 8 Geography, the expectations are divided
into two chronological strands.
Grade 7
A. Physical Patterns in a Changing World
B. Natural Resources around the World: Use and Sustainability
Grade 8
A. Global Settlement: Patterns and Sustainability
B. Global Inequalities: Economic Development and Quality of Life
The Concepts of Geographic Thinking
There are four concepts of geographic thinking that underpin all
thinking and learning in geography:
Spatial Significance
Patterns and Trends
Geographic Perspective
The Geographic Inquiry Process
There are variety of ways students can engage in the Geographical
Inquiry Process:
Formulate Questions
Gather and Organize
Interpret and Analyze
Evaluate and Draw Conclusions