Pledge Card Presentation


Voter Contact

Voter Registration and Pledge to Vote


Who has experience with pledge cards?

Why voter reg and pledge cards?

• What are our respective strengths?

– Community organizations have grassroots relationships, but less time and capacity for voter engagement work

– Voter engagement infrastructure programs have capacity and time, but no grassroots relationships

Minimizing effort, maximizing effect

• Community organizations are busy, likely overstretched and focused on meeting their essential missions

• The simpler and more effective we can make voter contacts, the more widespread the adoption

• Registration and commitment cards are a straightforward, low-cost and efficient way for organizations to make a big impact

• Very concrete, practical and clear

Pledge Cards Pilot Project: St. Paul

2011 Municipals

• Organizations asked clients to fill out an ‘I will vote’ commitment card for three weeks in


• Cards were dropped off and picked up by hand

• MPP sent reminders with polling location and the names of candidates on the ballot.

• The messages were sent by phone, text message, email and/or mail, in accordance with the voter’s preferences listed on the commitment card.

Pledge Cards Pilot Project: St. Paul

2011 Municipals

• Neighborhood House, Goodwill/Easter Seals and Wilder Foundation reached 129 residents in a three-week period who committed to voting in the November 7 St. Paul municipal election.

• After the voter file is updated with 2011 election results on March 4, public election records will be examined to understand the voting behavior of the organization’s clients.

Voter registration

• Long been a central tactic and activity within nonprofit voter engagement

– government grants may mandate or prohibit voter registration work

• Service providers play a key role in keeping the voter rolls accurate and updated

• Essential and necessary step, but insufficient by itself to move the needle on voter turnout

Purpose of pledge cards

• Raise awareness about the election

• Provides opt-in mechanism for those already registered

• Make people promise!

– making a written or oral commitment increases the likelihood a person will actually perform a behavior

• Gather crucial information

• Get consent for additional contacts

Purpose of pledge cards (cont)

• Provide additional reminders and information to the voter

– Repeated voter contacts are VERY important to increasing turnout

• Can be used to remind people that whether you vote is a matter of public record

• May be used to check registration status of your list to help people know if theirs is up-todate or not


• ‘Petition-style’ list

• Individual pledge cards

• Electronic or online pledge

• Can include an element that is sent back to voter

(or not)

• Can include any number of opt-in ways to be contacted

• Can include additional information about how to participate


• Leverages what they have (relationships) with what you have (systems support)

• Builds and strengthens advocacy programs

• Allows for measurable results

• Can be added in a variety of ways to an existing service delivery model


• Data collection (and sharing) makes organizations nervous

• Accuracy of data on cards

– 55 th Street E

– E 55 th St.

– East 55 th Street

– Legal name vs. your ‘everyday’ name

– Transitory participants

• Clarity of data on cards

• Accuracy of data entry

What to put on the card?

• Should match the voter file

– What goes on the voter registration card is what the voter file contains

• Consent language

• Additional voting information to leave with voter

• “I will vote because I care about….”

• Other ideas?
