Walter Lee Younger: A Dynamic Character Analysis

By: Nicolas Jacobsohn
Katz 2RW
In the beginning of the book, Walter is
someone who goes and gets drunk and is mean
to his family. But at then end of the book,
Walter changes to a nice person who cares
about his family, and doesn’t get drunk all the
time. (pg. 113)
“(Walter enters with a large package. His happiness
is deep in him; he cannot keep still with his
newfound exuberance. He is singing and wiggling
and snapping his fingers…)”
In the beginning of the book, Walter is
obsessive over money saying “money is life”
(pg. 74), and in the end, he lets Lindner keep
his money. (pg. 128)
“We don’t want to make trouble for nobody or fight
no causes, and we will try to be good neighbors. And
that’s all we got to say about that. We don’t want
your money.
In the beginning, Walter tells Benetha, “Who
the hell told you you had to be a doctor? If you
so crazy ‘bout messing ‘round with sick
people-then go be a nurse like other women-or
just get married and be quiet. (pg.38), but at the
end, he wants her to be a doctor saying.
“Yeah. Well-what I mean is that we come from
people who had a lot of pride. I mean-we are very
proud people. And that’s my sister over there and
she’s going to be a doctor-and we are very proud.”
(pg. 148)
As the story progresses, Walter still thinks the
same way about owning a liquor store in the
end as he does in the beginning.
“…So you butchered up a dream of mine-you-who
always talking ‘bout your children’s dreams…” (Pg.
“Mama…I never… went to the bank at all…”
Through out the entire book, Walter is
passionate about getting his point across.
TODAY!” (Pg. 70)
“What’s the matter with you all! I didn’t make this
world! It was give to me this way! Hell, yes, I want
some yachts somebody! Yes, I want to hag some real
pearls ‘round my wife’s neck. Ain’t she supposed to
wear no pearls? Somebody tell me- tell me, who
decides which women is suppose to wear pearls in
this world. I tell you I am a man-and I think my wife
should wear some pearls in this world! (Pg. 143)
Walter Lee Younger is a dynamic character
because his changes are much bigger than the
ways he stays the same, he realizes there are
more important things than money, and
becomes a much nicer person.
Topic Sentence 1: Walter Lee Younger is a
dynamic character because he changes much
more than he doesn’t.
Topic Sentence 2: Walter Lee Younger is a
dynamic character because he realizes there are
more important things than money.
Topic Sentence 3: Walter Lee Younger is a
dynamic character because he becomes a much
nicer person.
Walter and Ruth get in an argument.
Walter finds out Ruth is pregnant.
Walter get drunk because of Ruth’s pregnancy.
Walter gets really excited for Mama to get the
Mama gets the check worth $10,000.
Mama uses it to buy a house in a white
Walter’s liquor store money gets stolen.
Linder offers them more money than what they
payed for for the house.
Walter kicks Linder out. But later invites him
back for negotiation purposes.
Walter turns down Linder’s offer.
They move into their house.
Symbolism: Mama’s Plant.
Motif: The Apartment.
Simile: The rat is as big as a cat.