ENG 11B A Raisin in the Sun Act 2 Scene 1: pg 45-59 Name _________________________ Hour ________ Date ____________ (RIS A2S1 pg 45-59) P a g e | 1 Scene Summary: Summarize the events of Act 2 Scene 1. Character Summary: Briefly identify each character and their traits George Vocabulary for Act 2: On a separate piece of paper research and write a short definition or description of each term or name. Butterfly Jomo Songhay Prometheus crackers conked ocomogosiay owimoweh Benin resignation vigor Pearl Bailey Chaka Bantu revelation exuberant alundi Ashanti empires sobriety imploring perckerwoods Summary Questions: 1. What does Asagai give Beneatha? 2. What affect does Beneatha’s costume have on Walter? 3. Who is Jomo Kenyatta, and why does Walter cry out his name? 4. Why do Beneatha and Walter refer to a flaming spear? 5. What do the words Ocomogosiay and Owimoweh mean? 6. How does George’s reaction to Beneatha’s costume compare with Asagai’s reaction to her hair? 7. How do the two men contrast? ENG 11B A Raisin in the Sun Act 2 Scene 1: pg 45-59 Name _________________________ Hour ________ Date ____________ (RIS A2S1 pg 45-59) P a g e | 2 8. Which one do you think is more compatible with Beneatha? 9. How does Walter insult George? 10. Why does Walter insult George? 11. How does Ruth try to intervene and deter the rudeness? 12. What is George’s reaction? 13. What does George mean when he calls Walter “Prometheus”? 14. How can you tell that there are problems in Walter and Ruth’s marriage? 15. What does Travis do to get into trouble? 16. What is his punishment? 17. Why does Ruth’s excitement about the new house begin to fade? 18. Why did Mama choose this house? 19. How can you tell that Walter is bitter about Mama’s decision to buy a house? 20. Why does he react this way? 21. When Ruth asks if the new house will have a lot of sunlight, Mama replies, “understanding” (page 58) What does she understand? ENG 11B A Raisin in the Sun Act 2 Scene 1: pg 45-59 Name _________________________ Hour ________ Date ____________ (RIS A2S1 pg 45-59) P a g e | 3 22. Is Walter right when he accuses his mother of trying to run her children’s lives? 23. What will Walter do now? 24. Will Mama proceed with the move?