+ “I Love This Computer” Using Assistive Technology to Assist Students with Disabilities in Meeting the Common Core Curriculum Standards in Writing Dr. Amanda Fenlon, Associate Professor, State University of New York at Oswego Amanda.fenlon@oswego.edu + The Challenge need new methods and tools to The new Common Core State support learners with significant disabilities in Standards (CCSS) have called for greater reaching the Common accountability and shared Core standards and responsibility for literacy increasing literacy skills. instruction for all students, including those with disabilities. Assistive technology tools such as SOLO6, Classroom Suite, iPads and adaptive Students with disabilities often keyboards in combination require more time and specialized instruction to with authentic writing develop and master basic activities CAN HELP! literacy and writing skills. Teachers +Why Instruction in Literacy and Writing Matters? Literacy and writing allow students to communicate and express themselves. Literacy provides access to education and is a means for accessing information. Literacy offers access to independence. Literacy is what many self-advocates express as a missing element in their education and their lives. Literacy access is an educational, civil and human right---a means of achieving social justice. + Framework for Literacy Program ALL learners need and benefit from COMPREHENSIVE Literacy program Erickson & Koppenhaver (2007) Children with disabilities: Reading and writing the four blocks way Carson Dellosa Publisher ALL learners need and benefit from COMPREHENSIVE Literacy programs THAT INCLUDE: Guided Self (or shared) reading* selected reading* Letter and word work Writing for authentic purposes At students’ instructional reading level + Context of Case Examples Middle School Students, Grades 4-7, with significant disabilities (DD, ID, Autism, Orthopedic impairments, Significant Learning Disabilities) Individual teaching sessions, focusing on literacy and writing—using traditional and digital texts Had various assistive technology available to use in sessions: SOLO6 (Co-Writer, Read OutLoud, Write OutLoud); Classroom Suite, Big Keys Keyboard, iPads Kidspiration, classroom computers) Used OnLine Digital libraries and authoring tools (www.tarheelreader.org, Power Point, www.setbc.org ) Raz-kids + “Authentic” Narrative Writing— What’s That? Why should we use this genre? Merriam-Webster: “Real, accurate, true” Personal narratives & experiences “All About Me” biographies Non-fiction and fiction pieces about a topic of strong interest IT’S MOTIVATING!! Use authentic writing as a “BRIDGE” to get kids writing, then have them write about other topics (science, social studies, responding to a book or text exemplar from the Common Core + Not every student is ready to type on an iPad! There are wonderful writing APPS coming out that will help many children succeed with writing on the iPad, BUT… Some students (those with motor or visual challenges) will need a “bridge” to using an iPad. Some students will not be able to use an iPad due to these challenges. + Pre-Writing Supports are Crucial Graphic organizers Pictures/photos as writing prompts Guiding Questions Sentence starters + Logan with Big Keys, Laptop and Writing Objective for Logan: Logan will Co-Writer write 2-3 sentences on a topic of his 6th Grader with autism, reading at F&P Level C in inclusive classroom choice, provided teacher prompts and computer technology. Great background knowledge, many age appropriate interests (super heroes, video games, youtube, animals) Common Core Standards: Challenging behaviors (NOT a fan of paper and pencil tasks) +Big Keys Keyboard & Word Prediction Features Plug and Play—USB plugs into any computer or laptop. No installation required. Raised keys help students with motor challenges, key divider encourages use of both hands Will work with Co-Writer (word prediction) from Don Johnston.com Available from: www.ablenetinc.com www.rjcooper.com “My Name is Logan”—Authentic Writing Piece + + Logan’s First Writing Piece My Name is Logan At home, I play on the computer. My favorite website is YouTube. Kingdom Hearts Two is a videogame I play on the Playstation 2. Teacher Prompts and Modeling: “This is word prediction. It’s going to tell you what you’re writing.” “Do you see it here?” “Keep looking.” Logan’s response at end: “THANK YOU!!!!” + David with Big Keys, Laptop and Classroom Suite (Ablenet Inc.) 5th Grader with autism in inclusive classroom Largely non-verbal. Had a Tango AT device he used with limited success Reading at F&P Level J Loves animals, space travel, stories Motor planning and sensory challenges + Some writing objectives for David David will use a text (Crocs and Gators, Level K) as a resource to create a piece of writing that demonstrates text to self connections When given sentence starters, David will compose at least four sentences using computer technology, that demonstrate text to self connections Using a graphic organizer, photos from home and computer technology, David will create a digital journal on his trip to Florida The Vacation, by David + Common Core Curriculum Standards addressed for David + Classroom Suite Classroom Suite Writing Template + Classroom Suite by Ablenet Inc. Many writing templates from basic to more sophisticated. Pre-Writing supports such as graphic organizers, guiding questions within the templates and picture libraries. Can import own photos. Writing supports such as word prediction, spell check and text read aloud. Creativity tools allow students to write journals, develop multimedia presentations Vacation Journal Graphic Organizer +David with Laptop, Big Keys, & Classroom Suite + David’s Finished Vacation Journal created with Classroom Suite + Mei 4th grader in an integrated cotaught classroom, classified with autism Goals: to explore AT to support curriculum access for Mei Interested in animals, nature, art, a visual learner Little spontaneous language, no formal communication system, largely non-verbal, some sensory issues and distracting behaviors To help Mei develop a way to express what she knows, using technology To model and encourage the establishment of meaningful literacy instructional routines Comes from a bi-lingual home, although Mandarin Chinese mostly spoken at home + Curriculum Goals & CCSS for Mei: Read and respond to a text (in digital form or traditional text). Improve Reading Comprehension skills. Compose an informational/explanatory writing piece based on a non-fiction text. Common Core ELA Standards: + Technology Tools for Mei Kidspiration 3 www.inspiration.com + Kidspiration Kidspiration (www.inspiration.com): •Can create online graphic organizer with or without colorful, engaging visuals •Can create draft document based on ideas from graphic organizer—import into Word document. •Text to speech feature allows student to hear and edit writing •Typically available on most school computers + Raz-Kids (www.raz-kids.com) A leveled digital book library (subscription fee), with related activities such as quizzes, ability to earn “prizes”, data collection for teachers. Students can read book or have it read to them. Text is highlighted—human voice reads books. Some have music and animations. Many schools have Raz-kids! + Materials for Mei Digital Book: Level F Print book: www.readinga-z.com www.Raz-kids.com Cloze comprehension activity. Visual Schedule for Literacy Session + Pre-Writing Supports Traditional Graphic organizer Kidspiration Outline + Mei’s finished writing piece Last step— import as Word document. + Mandy 6th grader reading at F&P Level G Loves dance, Peanuts, baseball. Dances and plays baseball in community rec programs. Has Down syndrome and autism Largely non-verbal, EXCEPT when she is reading! Used www.tarheelreader.org as part of literacy lessons She engaged well with books She authored her own book as part of the writing portion of one literacy lesson Tarheelreader uses flikr picture library as writing prompts http://www.tarheelreader.org + Curriculum Goals for Mandy Read and respond to fiction and non-fiction text at her instructional level (G). Create a narrative piece of writing consisting of at least 45 sentences using proper writing conventions. Common Core Standards addressed: + www.Tarheelreader.org Great authoring tool! One caution, have student choose topic and preview flikr pictures before writing session Some flikr pictures are inappropriate Show “Mandy’s Dance Book” Highlight writing process using my login Mandy reading her digital book on tarheelreader.org + Ali 5th Grader with significant learning disabilities Very imaginative Reading at 2nd grade level Loves fantasy stories Difficulty with handwriting, resistant to using paper and pencil Common Core Curriculum Standards addressed (some) + Ali’s Writing Before Co-Writer + Pre-Writing Support “Melanie and the Prince” Started with Traditional Graphic Organizer to brainstorm plan, organize and and record ideas for her story Then transferred to SOLO Literacy Suite with Co-Writer www.donjohnston.com Setting + Used SOLO6 Draft Builder & CoWriter Keys to success: LOTS of teacher support and scaffolding Teacher Woke stage Modeling and Prompts up Co-Writer during the draft builder Ali’s Writing After Pre-Writing Support and introduction to CoWriter “I Love this Computer!” + Resources Digital Book Libraries & Authoring Tools: www.tarheelreader.org www.setbc.org Big Keys Keyboard www.ablenetinc.com www.rjcooper.com AT Tools Classroom Suites by Ablenet Inc. www.ablenetinc.com SOLO Literacy Suite by Don Johnston www.donjohnston.com + Articles & Books "So Much Potential in Reading!” by Fenlon, Amanda G; McNabb, Jessica; Pidlypchak, Harmony. Teaching Exceptional Children43.1 (Sep/Oct 2010): 42-48. Using Technology to Support Balanced Literacy for Students With Significant Disabilities by Carnahan, Christina R;Williamson, Pamela S;Hollingshead, Aleksandra; Israel, Maya.Teaching Exceptional Children45.1 (Sep/Oct 2012): 2029. Intensive Reading Instruction For Learners With Developmental Disabilities, by Schnorr, Roberta F. The Reading Teacher65.1 (Sep 2011): 35. Children with Disabilities: Reading and Writing the FourBlocks® Way, By Karen Erickson & David Koppenhaver, available from www.carsondellosa.com