PICK UP YOUR WRITING FOLDERS AND A NOTE CARD. HAPPY FRIDAY, Dudes! INSTRUCTIONS 1. Date and number each journal. 2. Use all of the allotted time to prepare your response. 3. Keep up with your own journal entries. 4. Submit them on the day of the test (double formative grade). 5. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the topic and catch up. The syllabus makes note of each journal entry. HAMLET THEME JOURNAL 1: REVENGE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24TH Respond to the following prompt. The purpose of this journal is to help you hone in on important themes in the play. Your Hamlet journals will be graded. They are due at the time of the unit test. All responses should be well-developed, incorporating evidence from the play. You are expected to write for 15 minutes (or until the music stops ) 1. Explore Hamlet’s soliloquy in Act II:ii, 576. What is the conflict? What themes are revealed (in addition to revenge)? (you may wish to consider the themes we discussed in the last class.) How does this speech help the audience better understand Hamlet’s character? HAPPY HALLOWEEN! QUIETLY REVIEW UNIT 5 WORDS. HAMLET THEME JOURNAL 2: PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31ST Respond to the following prompt. The purpose of this journal is to help you hone in on important themes in the play. Responses should be well-developed, incorporating specific evidence from the play. Explain your opinion on the statement, “Parents generally have their children’s best interests in mind.” Do parents always/ever look out for their children's best interests in Hamlet? What evidence supports your answer? How is Hamlet specifically affected by his understanding that Claudius and Gertrude are spying on him? What does that contribute to the play? HAMLET THEME JOURNAL 3: INSANITY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH Respond to the following prompt. The purpose of this journal is to help you hone in on important themes in the play. All responses should be well-developed and incorporate examples from the play. ***Explore the theme of madness in the play by considering the following: Hamlet claims that his madness is feigned, an "antic disposition" which he puts on for his own purposes (1.5.172). Why would Hamlet want to feign madness? How can an appearance of insanity help him achieve his ends? Is he really sane throughout the play, or does he ever cross the line into madness? What about Ophelia's mad scene? Is it real or feigned? Is there "method in her madness" as well, or is she entirely irrational? Why has she gone mad? You have 15 minutes from the time the bell rings. HAMLET THEME JOURNAL 4: THE UNCERTAINTY OF LIFE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH Respond to the following prompt. 1. Throughout the play, Hamlet is overcome with uncertainty which only exacerbates his tendency to overthink. Looking at the lecture notes concerning Hamlet as the Protestant hero, discuss how uncertainty and self-doubt play a significant role in the play. Keep in mind that the Protestant Reformation , which took place about 20 years before Shakespeare writes this play, did away with intermediaries between God and man, which left individuals ultimately responsible for working out their own salvation. How does Hamlet demonstrate the sort of doubt and anxiety created by the Reformation? HAMLET THEME JOURNAL 5: FATE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH Respond to the following prompt. The purpose of this journal is to help you hone in on important themes in the play. How does Hamlet (the character) deal with the matter of fate? Consider the various causes of tragedy that he considers within the play (the fatal flaw, Boethius’ theory, prophetic theory). What does he ultimately come to believe concerning human fate, concerning his own fate? Finally, how does Hamlet’s perception of fate connect to some of the other works we have discussed this year? PICK UP YOUR WRITING FOLDERS REMINDERS REGARDING SUBMISSION 1. Journals should be written nearly or typed if your handwriting is not neat. Messy/sloppy work will not be graded. 2. Each journal should be ¾ to one full page in length. 3. Each journal should be correctly numbered and dated. 4. Journals should be presented in correct order (1-5). 5. Journals that are not submitted on time will be counted late EACH day they are not submitted, regardless of whether you have English class that day or not. 6. The power point is on the website if you have missed any of the journals.