July 6-9 BHSU June Preszler and Year Two English Cohort Six Word Memoirs Last year: My life as a teacher This Year: My LTF journey http://www.npr.org/programs/totn/features/2008/02/me moir/gallery/index.html Review and analyze of where we’ve been Revisit LTF philosophy and resources Align lessons with standards Delve into year 2 materials: It’s all about style analysis Connecting devices to meaning Linking characterization to meaning Determining tone Determining underlying meaning Create individualized plans Revisit LTF’s vision Review the Levels of Thinking (page 3) and check out the Levels of Thinking websites (page 1) Visit the LTF website (http://www.ltftraining.org) What have you found that’s useful? Other websites for Pre-AP strategies/resources? Explore possibilities at your table Share one with large group Levels of Thinking the title of the painting the artist’s name one detail from the background one detail from the foreground The learner can recall information and/or processes at will. Activity III: Write a brief description of the scene depicted in the painting. Learners make connections between what they already know and the new ideas they are trying to assimilate. The “understand” level of thinking usually involves conceptual knowledge, the comprehension of an idea. Learners use procedures and processes they have already learned to execute tasks and solve problems. What is the theme of the painting? List three or more specific details that support this theme. Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning have to do with how people reason logically. Inductive: Specific to general Deductive: General to specific Learners break material down into its constituent parts and determine how the parts are related to each other and to an overall structure Which detail most effectively conveys the theme? Justify your answer. Learners judge. Learners detect flaws or inconsistencies in a product or process and/or use predetermined criteria to judge the quality of a product or text. Activity VII Landscape With The Fall of Icarus by William Carlos Williams According to Brueghel when Icarus fell it was spring a farmer was ploughing his field the whole pageantry of the year was awake tingling with itself sweating in the sun that melted the wings' wax unsignificantly off the coast there was a splash quite unnoticed this was Icarus drowning From Collected Poems: 1939-1962, Volume II by William Carlos Williams, published by New Directions Publishing Corp. © 1962 by William Carlos Williams. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp. Using the Williams poem as a model, create an original poem, taking the perspective of one of the following and beginning with the sentence “According to ______________, when Icarus fell….” someone on the deck of the ship the plowman the fisherman on the bank Icarus Daedalus the sheepherder Learners combine elements into a different form or merge information from several sources into a unified whole. A new product comes into being from previously existing materials or texts.