3 Branches of Government Metaphor Assignment


3 Branches of Government Metaphor


1.a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else, especially something abstract

3 Branches of Government Metaphor

For this assignment you will work on your own or with 1 partner and create a metaphor poster that completes this comparison: “The three branches of government under the Constitution are like a …” You will also design and create an illustration for your metaphor, complete with a brief written explanation of why the metaphor is accurate. Your group’s metaphor must have the following features:

1. An accurate metaphor. You may choose from the following list of ideas, or you can come up with your own:

 a football team

 a musical band

 a tricycle

 a three-part machine

You may not use a 3 ring circus. If you come up with your own – you need to check with me first.


At the top of your paper you must have a title, written clearly and in large letters, that reads

“The three branches of government under the

Constitution are like a ___________”

3. Create a central image for your metaphor. Your image should be bold and show effort. For each of the required items and the five additional items, create a visual or part of a visual that represents each item. Be sure they are labeled and that they fit with the theme of your metaphor.


Your metaphor must make direct comparisons between the 3 branches of government and the metaphor. In doing so you must label on your metaphor the required items listed below. They include:

 Required: Constitution, The People, Executive Branch, Legislative

Branch, Judicial Branch, President, Congress, The Supreme

Court, Checks and Balances, Separation of Powers, Senate,

House of Representatives

5. Explanation.

 Alongside or below your image, write the word BECAUSE followed by a list of the three most important similarities between the thing you illustrated and the three branches of government.

 On the back of your paper , create a key identifying why you chose what you chose for each item used in the comparison.

 On the back of your paper, write the two most important ways in which the thing in your metaphor is different from the three branches of government.


Your metaphor should be neat, colorful, creative and show effort.

7. Example: Three ring circus discussed in class. 


The three branches of government under the Constitution are like a 3 ring circus


* a three ring circus involves a lot of different people with set, clear roles

*of the balance involved( the trapeze people, juggling, balancing on a ball etc.) - the system we have there is a balance of different powers

*There are some potential negatives/dangers to our system (tigers? Falling off the trapeze or high wire) with things like gridlock, bureaucratic mess, inability to act at some points, the SLOWness of it

Key with explanation:

Executive – Ring 2

Judicial – Ring 3

People – fans, watching & participating w/ applause

Constitution – poles that hold the tent, the high wire, etc. – keeps it all together

Checks & balances – megaphone & whip – makes sure everyone is doing as they should

Separation of Powers – Ring Barriers – separates the 3 branches

Supreme Court – Elephants – smart & don’t forget (rulings set precedent for future rulings)

Congress – Circus Showmen – They are the Action

President – Ring master – keeps things moving

Convention – tent (everything is under the big top)

House – Trapeze (Flips and swings)

Senate – high wire (balanced membership)
