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Mao's Red Book: Chinese Communism Study Sheet

Study Sheet #26 History 1003: Themes in Global History Since 1500
Mao’s Red Book
Chinese Communism
Reading: BZ&S, Chapter 33, “The People’s Republic of
China, p. 644-645
Questions for Analysis:
Big Issues:
How did Mao try to bring about communism in China? What
were the problems with his movement? Compare Chinese
communism with Soviet communism. Compare how
decolonization happened in various countries.
What role did the Red
Book play in the Chinese
Cultural Revolution?
Significant Terms:
Jiang Jieshi
People’s Liberation Army
Mao Zedong
Five-Year Plan
Collectivization of agriculture
Chinese-Soviet Split
Great Leap Forward
Timeline: 1946-1994
Key Dates:
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Red Guards
Deng’s Revolution
Tiananmen Square
People’s Republic of China established as Communist under Mao
Great Leap Forward in China
Chinese-Soviet Split
Chinese Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution