socio-organizational issues and stakeholder requirements





O.Love, L.Magwood, O.Byrd, M.Brockman

Organizational Issues

They affect the acceptance and relevance of new information and communication systems.

Why Stakeholders Must be Identified

Stakeholders must be identified so that information can transfer and to power relationships that cut across organizational structure.

Stakeholders also need to know the severity of the situations and how it affects them and their subordinates whether it be positive or negative.


A stake holder is anyone who is effected by the success and failure of the system

Four types of stake holders:

-primary: actual users of the system

-secondary: receive output and provide input

-tertiary: no direct involvement but effected by the success and failure

-facilitating: involved in development of the system

Helping you understand



So how socio-technology effect business

Understanding that socio-technical models affect and are composed of both human and machine elements.

The focus of this approach is to describe and document the impact of the introduction of a specific technology into a organization.

Socio-technology cont…

Methods vary but most attempt to capture certain common elements

The problem being addressed

The stakeholders affected

Formal and informal work groups


Proposed technology

External constraints.

CUSTOM Methodology

A Socio-technical methodology designed to be practical to use in small organizations.

Based on User Skills and Task Match (USTM)

Developed to allow design teams to understand fully document user requirements

Establishes stakeholder requirements

All stakeholders are considered, not jus the end-user

CUSTOM Methodology Cont…

Applied at the initial state of design

Product Opportunity – Emphasis is on capturing requirements.

Forms- Based methodology

Providing a set of questions to apply at each of its stages

6 Key Stages

6 key stages to carry out in a CUSTOM analysis:


Describe context



Identify stakeholders

Identify work-groups




Identify task

Identify needs



OSTA stands for Open System Task Analysis

The OSTA has Eight stage model that focus on certain task.

OSTA Stage Model

The primary task identified in terms of users’ goals

 task inputs to system identified

 external environment into which the system will be introduced is described, including physical, economic and political aspects

 transformation processes within the system are described in terms of actions performed on or with objects

OSTA Stage Model Part 2

 social system is analyzed, considering existing internal and external work-groups and relationships technical system is described in terms of configuration and integration with other systems performance satisfaction criteria are established, indicating social and technical requirements of system new technical system is specified

Soft Systems Methodology

Was developed by Checkland

There are no assumption of technological solutions but there is an emphasis on understanding situation fully.

There are stages to Soft System Methodology

Soft Systems Methodology Stages

 recognition of problem and initiation of analysis

 detailed description of problem situation

 rich picture

 generate root definitions of system


 conceptual model - identifying transformations

 compare real world to conceptual model

 identify necessary changes

 determine actions to effect changes

Root definitions of system (CATWOE)

Clients: those who receive output or benefit from the system

Actors: those who perform activities within the system

Transformations: the changes that are affected by the system

Weltanschauung: (from the German) or World View - how the system is perceived in a particular root definition

Owner: those to whom the system belongs, to whom it is answerable and who can authorize changes to it

Environment: the world in which the system operates and by which it is influenced

Once Identified…

We then identify the transformations and how it is achieved using the conceptual model. Next we return to our real world system. Finally we decide if the changed are necessary and beneficial to the system as a whole.

Participatory Design

Participatory design is a philosophy that encompasses the whole design cycle

Design in the workplace, design team

Users actively collaborate

Actively participate

Main Characteristics

Improve the work environment


Interactive approach

Participatory Design Cont…

Methods to help convey information between the user and designer


All participants are involved



“On-the-fly” ideas


No judgment

Participatory Design Cont…

Storyboarding- can be used as a means of describing the user’s day-to-day activities as well as the potential designs and the impact they will have.

Participatory design continued…

Workshops- fill missing knowledge, getting ideas from both users and designers. Allowing everyone to get a more focused view on the design.

Pencil and paper exercises- gives everyone a change to walk-through the system using mock designs

Just a little example


Is based on very detailed recording of the interactions between people and between people and their environment.

Special focus on social relationships

Ethnographic tradition

Ethnography is based on very detailed recording of the interactions between people and their environments. It has a special focus on social relationships and how they affect the nature of work. The ethnographer does not enter actively into the situation, and does not see things from a particular person’s point of view
